
Get Started with RAD Studio 10.2.1 using Sample Projects

Guided Tour The Guided Tour is a step-by-step bubble pop-up tour that shows you how to build your first multi-device FireMonkey application using the FireUI Designer. Following the steps in the tour is a good starting point for anyone new to the FireMonkey framework. You can access the Guided Tour from the Welcome Page. Mobile Snippets We provide a number of FireMonkey mobile…
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Convert CSV file to TFDMemTable format JSON file.

Author: h.mohri Convert fromCSVfile to “JSONfile” of “TFDMemTable format”. This program usesC++Builder 10.2 Tokyo Release 1. include #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <codecvt> #include <FireDAC.Comp.Client.hpp> #include <FireDAC.Stan.StorageJSON.hpp> #include…
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C++ Builder Header Dependencies

Why should you care about header dependencies in C++? One reason is header dependencies can have an impact on building, refactoring, testing and on the structure of your software. And reducing header dependencies in C++ also reduces compile time dependencies – the…

Try condition_variable using C++Builder(C++11).

Author: h.mohri std::condition_variable is a class for waiting for thread execution until the condition is satisfied.Used in combination with std::mutex. I tried the wait() function in std::condition_variable.This is combined withstd::unique_lock<std::mutex>. I…

New CData FireDAC drivers

Author: Pawe Gowacki It is very exciting time for Delphi and C++Builder developers! Embarcadero just announced partnership with CData to provide the whole suite of new FireDAC drivers that provide connectivity to major APIs and web services. The list of new FireDAC drivers is quite long and includes connectors to over 80 systems, like Amazon DynamoDB, SalesForce, Microsoft Dynamics, Google Big…
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FireDAC & ODBC for Paradox and dBase tables.

I continue to get customer requests for options to migrate legacy RAD Studio, Delphi or C++ Builder applications using the Borland Database Engine (BDE) with Paradox and/or dBase files. With the current versions of RAD Studio…

Visualize JSON using TTreeView

Author: h.mohri I tried a program that reads a JSON file in C++Builder VCL and displays it in TTreeView component. This project file is open to public from github. github.com/mojeld https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9PLPHK05PJF7 Place two TSpeedButton, TTreeView, TMemo, TActivityIndicator, TOpenDialog, TImageList. ImageList1 has an icon for displaying in…
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