
Boost 1.68 for Win32 and Win64 in C++Builder 10.3.2

RAD Studio 10.3.2 comes with theup-to-date version 1.68 of Boost for both Win32 and Win64 Clang-enhanced compilers, plus Boost for the classic compiler The 10.3.x version of C++Builder has focused so far on upgrading the C++ toolchain to support C++17, as well as providing more performance, a better RTL and more; and on Code Insight such as code completion.(There are some nice…
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New in RAD Studio 10.3.2: IDE Improvements

Delphi and C++Builder 10.3.2 benefit from a snappy, performant IDE, and other IDE tweaks InRAD Studio 10.3.2, we had a particular focus on IDE quality. Back in November, we introduced a new look and feel for the RAD Studio IDE. Overall this was welcomed, and…

New 10.3.2 GetIt Installer

As you may be aware, we have encountered issues with the GetIt server, affecting web-based installs of RAD Studio 10.3.2. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, and we truly appreciate your patience during this process. We have a new 10.3.2 GetIt web-based installer available for you to download. This new installer will allow you to install 10.3.2 and also access the 10.3.2 add-on…
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The new 10.3.2 RAD Server Management Console

Since Embarcadero started bundling RAD Server development support with RAD Studio, there has been a little-known utility available to manage installations from a desktop client. This application was originally called EMS Desktop console, and used to ship both as a binary in…

RAD Server Improvements in RAD Studio 10.3.2

Over the last couple of years, Embarcadero has been expanding the features and capabilities of theRAD Server architecture, while at the same time making it more affordable (by including free deployment licenses with different RAD Studio editions). The recent…

10.3.2 Installation Workarounds

We’ve received a lot of great feedback on 10.3.2 so far. As you may be aware, we’ve been experiencing server issues. The demand for 10.3.2 has been great, and we’re working on resolving the server issues as soon as possible. Our IT team is hard at work restoring servers such as GetIt (for web based installation), Code Central (for downloads), Member services (for new account registration)…
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New in 10.3.2: C++17 for Win64 - target all Windows with the C++17 Clang compiler

In C++Builder 10.3.2, you can target both Win32 and Win64 using the C++17 Clang-enhanced compiler. In November, we released C++Builder 10.3.0 with an updated Clang-enhanced C++ compiler. This compiler: Was C++17 compliant Had an updated Dinkumware STL Was better at optimizing code, produced faster executables, and more Overall, a significantly worthwhile upgrade. You can read more about what was…
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