C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

Why Update Subscription Matters, And Why March is a Great Time to Renew Your Licenses!

RAD Studio gets better and better with every release. With a big developer team adding new capabilities, fixing bugs and addressing literally hundreds of customer requests daily, each version update of RAD Studio represents a leap forward not just for the IDE and toolset, but for your business as well. Assuming, of course, you’re on update subscription. A Landmark Release RAD Studio 11…
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C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

Announcing the Availability of RAD Studio 11.3 Alexandria

Embarcadero is pleased to announce the release of RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Release 3, also known as RAD Studio 11.3, along with Delphi 11.3 and C++Builder 11.3. This release is focused on quality and improvements, building on the great new features in RAD Studio 11 Alexandria three previous releases. RAD Studio 11.3 includes support for newer versions of several operating systems, adds a new…
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C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

Every New And Enhanced RAD Studio Feature Since 11 Alexandria - The (Very Long) Complete List

Note: The list of features includes the newly-released RAD Studio 11.3 Alexandria. RAD Studio 11 Alexandria was a landmark release in many respects. From the support for High-dpi 4k screens to VCL styles visibility at design time and more powerful compilers targeting the latest platform versions, RAD Studio 11 set a new benchmark for what could be achieved with the world’s first and single…
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C++RAD Studio

5 Modern Features Of C++ Programming

Hello C++ programmers. Today we have new modern C++ examples that can be compiled by any C++ Code Editor and compiler. If you want to dive deep into C++ programming, then the LearnCPlusPlus website is the right place for you. We keep adding more features of modern C++ and how to get the best use out of RAD Studio and C++ Builder. If you want to improve your C++ skills, we have a rich treasure…
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