
Discover The String Operations And More Great Features Of C++

Hello C++ Developers, This week we have an abundance of topics about strings, which mostly include String Operations in Modern C++. We will learn to use the find() string method as well as exception handling in C++. One of the great features of C++ Builder’s VCL and FMX frameworks are forms and the form designer which makes it so easy to create and visualize the user interface for your…
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This is How To Sort in Modern C++

Hello C++ developers. this week we have more modern C++ examples that can be compiled by any C++ IDE and compiler. If you want to dive deep into C++ programming, then the LearnCPlusPlus website is the right place for you. We keep adding more features of modern C++ and how…
CodeDelphiTech Partner

How To Record Exact Operation Execution Time With Delphi

To know how to get the information on the exact execution time of an operation in your Windows and cross platform apps can be useful in all sorts of circumstances. For example, it can be necessary when you need to show users the time spent on the execution of a long operation (by the way, in such a situation, high accuracy is rarely required). Or you may need to know the exact time needed for…
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C++CodeIDERAD Studio

Successful Windows Development With This C++ Compiler Download

C++ is the most powerful programming language and as well as being one of the world’s most popular. It has many pre-defined variables, functions and libraries. Using a fast and reliable C++ IDE is very important for beginners and professionals since it helps C++ developers in remembering which language features exist, how to use them and even detect errors when we get it wrong. An IDE…
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What Is Object-Oriented Programming In C++

C and C++ are one of the most powerful programming languages that can berun by Microsoft build tools for Windows and for other operating systems like iOS, Android, among others. The main difference between C and C++ is that C++ is enhanced with Object-Oriented Programming features like Classes, Objects, Methods etc. It supports advanced programming features like polymorphism, encapsulation, and…
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