
LearnCPlusPlus.org :: Powerful Artificial Intelligence

Hello Developers! Last time, we started with our introduction to adding Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to your applications at LearnCPlusPlus.org, and, once again, we’ve lots of new posts. In this set of articles, we will try to explain what A.I. is and how we can use it to add power to our own applications. This is also a good introduction to Artificial Intelligence Technologies for…
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Implementing A Blazing Fast IoT Network With MQTT

In this article, we’ll go over what IoT is, what MQTT is, how MQTT works, what MQTT entities are, how to build an MQTT message, what the rules of writing MQTT, how to implement MQTT with Windows app development tools, and much more. What is IoT? The IoT term defines the concept of internet-connected physical devices that can send and/or receive data. To exchange data easily, a protocol…
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Are You Using The Secret Alternative To SQLite?

I know the best way to traumatize a software developer who has been using Windows Tools for Developers for some time. You just show them this image: The BDE Administration Manager. So many ‘happy’ hours trying to resolve “PDOXUSERS.NET is in use” messages and learning all about the purpose of arcane settings like SharedDir and NETDIR. Shudder. If you wanted to store a database…
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LearnCPlusPLus.org :: Give Me Your Inheritance!

Hello C++ Developers,. It’s another milestone at LearnCPlusPlus.org, we started to add posts about the basics of Artificial Intelligence Technologies. Last week had a lot of great subjects again! This week here we answer these questions, What is Inheritance in…

Solve MILLIONS of Unknowns In Equations - We Show You How!

C++ is a great programming language to calculate engineering problems. It is one of the best for those operations. Delphi is also a faster-compiled programming language that you can use in engineering problems. C++ compiler includes libraries designed to increase your productivity. We provide powerful and useful classes for strings, conversions, file IO, streaming, JSON, REST, and anything else…
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