CodeDelphiRAD Studio

A Beginner's Guide To The Best Low Code Platform

What is the Low-Code, No-Code Movement? As a programmer/developer or an engineer it’s not long now before you will see advertising and articles about no-code or low code development technologies or micro-services available in the market. A quick web search for “low-code development tools” and you will discover hundreds of different micro-tools that can help you build a whole…
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C++CodeDatabaseDelphiIDERAD Studio

8 Go-To Resources About Development On Windows

Alvin Toffler once wrote: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” Ironically, we are in the 21st century, and Windows software development is not an exception. This perpetual process of learning and unlearning can be tedious without proper resources. Fortunately, tons of free and premium…
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C++CodeDelphiIDERAD StudioTech Partner

10 Tell-Tale Signs You Need To Get A New Python Development Tool

Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language which was first launched 31 years ago. It is known for its simplicity, readability, and excellent libraries. It consistently appears in lists of the top programming languages, so many part-time developers consider giving it more airtime. However, to do more in Python, you need a better Python development tool and learn new ways. Change…
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C++CodeIDERAD Studio

How To Make Great Windows Software With A C++ IDE Code Editor

C++ is probably the most powerful programming language and one of the world’s most popular programming languages with many variables, functions, methods, namespaces and libraries to help you solve a multitude of problems. Using a fast and reliable C++ IDE is very important for beginners and professionals alike to ensure that when they develop C++ apps for Windows – and for other operating…
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