
RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin, REST/JSON and using a fun site: Name2Gender.com

I was thinking about how I would do a gender based analysis of our customer database without surveying our customers. The Embarcadero Community profile does not ask whether you are male or female. At the recent Evans Data Developer Relations Conference, there was a presentation about the number of developers in the world (currently around 19 million going up to 25 million in 2020). Evans Data puts…
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Using FireDAC Unidirectional property for fast, low memory selection set processing

I often do large Oracle database queries using FireDAC to analyze registration data about our products and customers. Most of the time I am only processing through millions of rows to create a report or chart. One of the FDQuery properties that I forget to set True is the TDFQuery’s “Unidirectional” sub-property found under the FetchOptions (TFDFetchOptions) property. By…
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How to vibrate iOS and Android phones using FireMonkey and XE8

Pawel Glowacki asked about vibrating smartphones using Delphi code for iOS and Android. Thierry Laborde and Williamm Wittwer of Embarcadero France provided the following Delphi and FireMonkey sample code: unit Umain; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, …
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