C++ Builder; Common Libraries (Run Time Library), Parallel Programming Library.​

C++ Builder provides three levels of development:1. Components (VCL and FMX)2. Common Libraries (RTL).3. Platform APIs (iOS, Android, Mac OS)In this post we will discuss the Common Libraries (RTL).C++ Builder has several hundred functions, macros, and classes that you call from within your C and C++ programs to perform a wide variety of tasks, including low- and high-level I/O, string and file…
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CodeRage 2019 Mini Series - RAD Server

Follow-up to the CodeRage 2019 Mini Series on“RAD Server, DataSnap, and Client Server Technologies” for the week of December 9 – 12, here are the resources, slides, and code examples used in the CodeRage 2019 Mini Series on RAD Server: Resources: The…

CodeRage 2019 Mini Series - DataSnap

Follow-up to the CodeRage 2019 Mini Series on“RAD Server, DataSnap, and Client Server Technologies” for the week of December 9 – 12, here are the resources, slides, and code examples used in the CodeRage 2019 Mini Series: Resources: CodeRage 2019…

Using IBM Watson and the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) from Delphi and/or C++Builder

Follow-up to the webinar on “Using IBM Watson and the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) from Delphi and/or C++Builder ” from Thursday, October 24, here are the resources, slides, and code examples used in the webinar: Webinar Replay Link: Resources How to create a freeIBM Cloud account:​ IBM…
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Deploying Windows 10 Apps Through the Microsoft Store

Before 10.3 Rio, creating an app to the Windows Store was only possible by creating an UWP (Universal Windows Platform) app and submitting it to the Windows Store. This was somewhat limiting because you had to know the technology and create a special new app using this…

Get Kids Coding with IoT

Get Kids Coding with IoT Across all industries, coding is quickly becoming a crucial skill for the 21st-century workplace. Finding ways to teach kids how to program without becoming bored can be a challenge for parents. That’s where the Internet of Things (IoT) comes…

Sencha EXT JS Web Client + RAD Server 10.2.3

In this post, we’ll look at the stepsto use the Sencha ExtJS library to create a Web Client to connect and get data from our RAD Studio’s RAD Server (also available with Delphi and/or C++ Builder)! Before We Get Started: In thispreviouspost,I showed how RAD Studio 10.2.2 introduced adding a new component to the FireDAC BatchMove architecture to support generating…
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C++ Builder 10.2.3 - CMake and Ninja Command-Line Support

Introduction CMake is a popular C++ build tool. RAD Studio 10.2.3 Tokyo provides support for building CMake projects on the command line using RAD Studio compilers. 10.2.3 also specifically supports using Ninja with CMake, allowing for very fast parallel builds. This…

RAD Studio and Internet Message Format

Introduction The RFC-2822 standard specifies a syntax for text messages that are sent between computer users, within the framework of “electronic mail” messages. The RFC-2822specifies lines should be no longer than 78 characters, and the MIME…

C++ Builder 10.2.2: DataSet Mapping to JSON for JavaScript client support

Introduction In C++Builder 10.2.2, Embarcadero has added a new component to the FireDAC BatchMove architecture, to support generating JSON data from database tables, in an easy and flexible way. RAD Studio (Delphi and C++ Builder) has offered support for JSON in different ways and for a long time. From the JSON system unit (originally part of the DBX space) to the DataSnap table mapping (also via…
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