CodeDelphiRAD Studio

This Is How To Easily Process CSV Data Using FireDAC

CSV is an abbreviation for a Comma-Separated Value file that enables data to be saved in a loosely-structured text form. Because of its simple format, it is very easy to process the data inside the file and extremely portable too. The great thing about the CSV files is that they are compatible with almost any text editor as well as a large number of popular applications such as Microsoft Excel…
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Harnessing the power of the Web with Delphi & HTMX

If you ever wanted to create a server-based web application, then HTMX is a solution that offers great flexibility for development, allowing RAD Studio developers to deliver the business logic while still allowing designers to make the web application look great using CSS. Without having to write a single line of JavaScript code, you can build a full web application, with the entire logic in a web…
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Case StudyDelphiShowcase

How This Motorcycle Hazard Reporting Monitoring Tool Was Made

Today’s article is from Delphi developer Alessandro Negri. Alessandro talks us through his company’s development of a potentially life-saving reporting tool which links to a system that helps visualize hazards for motorcyclists. Alessandro describes what made them decide to step away from other programming solutions and choose Delphi for the project. He also explains why the success of…
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Do All Great C++ Apps Use Lambda Expressions?

Hello Dear C++ Developers, Do All Great C++ Apps Use Lambda Expressions? Here’s a great selection of post picks from LearnC++ and here on the Embarcadero blog to help you create C++ apps. We describe the pros and cons of C++ Lambda Expressions and take you through how and when to use this powerful C++ language construct. We explain fscanf usage in modern C++ with examples,. Fscanf can be…
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