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Super fast CSV files processing with WinSoft CSV Library

The comma separated values format (CSV) has been used for exchanging and converting data between various spreadsheet programs for quite some time. It can be used as an Import/Export feature on multiple old and modern applications. And we could say is the de facto standard for data exchange between all architectures of computing.

Creating and manipulating CSV files in Delphi is quiete easy using powerfull CSV library from Winsoft


Menu Tools >Options >Language >Delphi >Library

Download latest version here, and unzip downloaded file to your default components folder.

This is a non-visual library, so you don’t need to install it on IDE.

Add folder according your Delphi version and Platform in Tools->Options->Language->Delphi->Library to Library Path


In the following example we will implement a generic import/export functionality to our existing simple application for contacts management.

Creating a new CSV file from Dataset (Export function)

Loading an existing CSV file to Dataset (Import function)

Head over and check out the full WINSOFT CSV in Delphi and C++Builder

Like what you see? You can get the WinSoft CSV Library, along with over 100 other fantastic WinSoft components, with our Enterprise Component Pack. For a limited time, when you purchase RAD Studio Enterprise or Architect Edition at special Upgrade Pricing, you will also get this package of third-party software worth over $13,000, including the full WinSoft Component Library, at NO EXTRA COST! Step up to RAD Studio 10.4 today!

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20+ years of experience on Software Development, using Delphi since version 1


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