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CodeDatabaseDelphiRAD Studio

Power Tip: Learn How to Send Arrays To An InterBase Database Using FireDAC In Delphi

The Arrays sample shows you how to use the TFDParam.ArrayType property to send arrays to a database server. To this end the ArrayType property is set to atTable.Note: This demo establishes a connection to the Interbase localhost server by default, using the SYSDBA user. You can change these parameters to connect to a different InterBase server using a valid user name and password.


You can find the Arrays project at:

  • Start | Programs | Embarcadero RAD Studio Sydney | Samples and then navigate to:
    • Object PascalDatabaseFireDACSamplesDBMS SpecificInterBaseArrays
  • Subversion Repository:
    • You can find Delphi code samples in GitHub Repositories. Search by name into the samples repositories according to your RAD Studio version.

How to Use the Sample

  1. Navigate to the location given above and open IBArrays.dproj.
  2. Press F9 or choose Run > Run.
  3. Use the parameters by default to connect to the local InterBase server with the default SYSDBA user.
  4. Press the IBwrite and IBread buttons to send/recive arrays to/from a databse server.


File in Delphi Contains
The project itself.
The main form.


Before running the sample, the main components are configured at design time using the Object Inspector as follows:

  • TFDConnection object named FDConnection1. This is the FireDAC connection object that the sample uses to connect to a DBMS. The sample sets the ConnectionDefName property to IB_Demo.
  • TFDQuery object named FDQuery1. This component implements a dataset capable of executing SQL queries. The sample sets its Connection property to FDConnection1 in order to specify the FireDAC connection object.
  • TDataSource object named DataSource1. This component provides an interface between a dataset component and data-aware controls on a form. In this sample, it is used to provide communication between the dataset and the grid where the dataset is displayed. To this end, the sample sets the following properties:
  • The DataSet property of DataSource is set to FDQuery1.
  • The DataSource property of DBGrid1 is set to DataSource1.

When you run the application, you see a grid and two buttons labeled as: IBread and IBwrite. Both buttons have an OnClick event to do the following:

  • IBwrite:

Press this button to send arrays to a database server. When you press this button, the sample takes the following steps:

  1. Uses the Text property of SQL to set the SQL command that FDQuery1 will execute.
  2. Sets the TFDParam.DataTypeName to specify the field name as <TableName>.<FieldName>.
  3. Sets the TFDParam.ArrayType property to atTable.Note: If you set it to atArray it does not work.
  4. Sets the array size with the TFDParam.ArraySize property.
  5. Sets the arrays using the AsStrings property:
  6. Sends the arrays to the database server by executing the SQL command specified in the first step.
  • IBread:

Uses the Open method to read the arrays from the database server. The sample displays the arrays on the grid.

Please follow the link below if you want to see the original post:


Head over and check out the full source code for the InterBase arrays sample for FireDAC in Delphi over on GitHub.


InterBase Product Page

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