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Windows 10 Modernize Webinar Series

The Windows 10 train has left the station

Our webinar series in August and September focuses on helping you modernize to get the most out of Windows 10. Are you running on Windows 7 or earlier? Effective January 14, 2020, Microsoft will end support of Windows 7. On that day, the company will also no longer patch Windows 7 with its security updates. Given the changes coming, now is the time to modernize. Learn how to do that in this webinar series.

Use the hashtag #ModernizeWithRio and join the conversation!

FireDAC for Windows 10 Database Access

Presenter: Jens Fudge, Delphi Enthusiast, MVP, speaker, and trainer
Jens Fudge, Delphi Enthusiast, Embarcadero MVP, speaker, and trainer Date: Wednesday, 18-September-2019
Time: 11:00 AM CDT


In this webinar, Jens shows how to use the FireDAC framework to connect to various databases on Windows 10.

Move your Windows Apps Forward with Microsoft and Embarcadero

Microsoft and Embarcadero Webinar Presenter: Matteo Pagani, Microsoft Windows AppConsult Engineer, and Marco Cantu, Embarcadero Product Manager, with host Jim McKeeth, Embarcadero Developer Advocate
Date: Wednesday, 18-September-2019
Time: 11:00 AM CDT


Most PCs are or soon will be on Windows 10. With the approaching end of life for Windows 7, the second-most-popular operating system, Windows 10 is more and more important.

Do you know what changes and features Windows 10 brings to the PC? What does the desktop bridge mean for your applications? How does the Windows RunTime factor into your software strategy? Could you benefit from App packaging deployment and updating?

Join Microsoft’s Matteo Pagani, Windows AppConsult Engineer, and Embarcadero’s Product Manager, Marco Cantu, with host Jim McKeeth, Embarcadero’s Developer Advocate, for this special live webinar. Learn about the vision and direction of Microsoft with Windows 10 and how Embarcadero makes it easy for you to take your applications there with RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder.

Modern C++17 on Windows 10

Presenter: Dion Mai, Embarcadero MVP, Delphi and C++ Consultant and Instructor, Development Manager at Aquasoft
Date: Thursday, 19-September-2019Dion Mai, Embarcadero MVP, Delphi and C++ Consultant and Instructor, Development Manager at Aquasoft
Time: 11:00 AM CDT


Learn about the new Clang update in C++Builder with full support for C++17, and the advantages it brings to your code.

Moving Your Application to the Microsoft Store

Presenter: Olaf Monien, CEO Developer Experts, MVP
Olaf Monien, CEO Developer Experts, Embarcadero MVP Date: Tuesday, 24-September-2019
Time: 12:00 AM CDT


In this webinar you will learn about the steps that required to publish your Delphi Windows application to Microsoft’s App Store.

The Microsoft Store and the APPX bundle allows for easy deployment and updating of applications. During this webinar learn how to build and deploy APPX bundles. Even if you don’t want to deploy your app through the Microsoft Store, you can use the APPX for easy deploy, update, and uninstall for direct distribution.

The session covers debugging APPX bundles, creating a certificate file, provisioning, submitting your app, migrating existing projects to APPX, working within the APPX sandbox, and more.

Windows 10 and New Key UX Principles (for RAD Studio Developers)

Presenter: Sarina DuPont, Senior Embarcadero Product Manager
Sarina DuPont


Windows 10 introduced the Fluent new design language and evolution of Metro. In this session learn how you can update your VCL applications with the Windows 10 style, design, and user experience.

Fast migration to Windows 10 HighDPI with FastReports

Presenter: Den Zubov, Lead Developer, Fast ReportsDen Zubov, Lead Developer, Fast Reports


FastReports is the fast and powerful reporting solution for Windows 10 desktop reporting. Join this webinar for tips on how to move your old code base to Windows 10 and take advantage of new HighDPI support and features. See examples using FastReport 6 VCL.

Building native apps for Windows: Why it Matters?

Presenter: Serge Pilko, Embarcadero MVP
Serge Pilko, Embarcadero MVP Date: Tuesday, 3-September-2019
Time: 11:00 AM CDT

Watch the Replay


Often JavaScript frameworks like Electron are used for Windows development because of rapid productivity, low barrier of entry, and getting up and running quickly. Unfortunately, they often bring massive overhead and lack some features necessary for desktop applications. That is where RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder come in as the original Rapid Application Development solution. Not only do developers get maximum productivity, but they also get native desktop performance with less overhead and access to all the features of the platform. If multi-platform is important then the FireMonkey framework gives your Desktop applications compatibility on Windows, macOS, and Linux, with the option to extend them to Android and iOS mobile platforms.

Join this session to see how your favorite rapid application development framework stacks up against Electron and other JavaScript frameworks for desktop application development.

A tale of 3 APIs: VCL integration with WinAPI, COM & ShellAPI, WinRT

Presenter: Marco Cantu, Embarcadero Product Manager
Marco Cantu, Embarcadero Product Manager Date: Wednesday, 4-September-2019
Time: 11:00 AM CDT

Watch the Replay


WinRT was introduced in 2012 with Windows 8. Then in Windows 10 Microsoft expanded WinRT, giving Win32 applications full access to the WinRT API. Now native developed Win32 applications can also be UWP applications.

In this webinar learn how to access all the APIs on Windows 10 from RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder.

  • WinAPI – The base APIs on the Windows platform
  • COM – Used for inter-process communication
  • ShellAPI – Is the interface for the Windows shell
  • WinRT – Provides UWP functionality
  • Windows Store – API useful for store deployed apps

Top Windows 10 Features you can add to your VCL Applications

Presenter: Ian Barker, Embarcadero MVP
Ian Barker, Embarcadero MVP Date: Thursday, 5-September-2019
Time: 11:00 AM CDT

Watch the Replay


RAD Studio 10 Seattle introduced Windows 10 support, with each new release expanding the Windows 10 support available to you for your applications. In this webinar session learn the top 10 Windows 10 features you can take advantage of the right way to improve your users’ experience when running your applications on Windows 10.

Working with Windows 10’s Windows Run Time

Presenter: Miguel Angel Moreno, Embarcadero MVPMiguel Angel Moreno, Embarcadero MVP
Date: Monday, 9-September-2019
Time: 11:00 AM CDT

Watch the Replay


WinRT in Windows 10 ? Do not get confused, WinRT is the latest application architecture from Microsoft for Windows 10 and components development. Here we will show you how to take advantage of the new WinRT APIs and components in your Delphi and C++Builder applications.

Windows 10 – Modernization with RAD Studio and TMS Software

Presenter: Holger Flick, TMS Software
Holger Flick, TMS Software Date: Tuesday, 10-September-2019
Time: 11:00 AM CDT

Watch the Replay


See what is new with TMS Software and how you can use their full range of components to modernize your Windows 10 applications and make your users happy they upgraded! TMS Software has components for all areas of Windows application development, including UI components, serial communications, scripting, Excel/PDF reporting, user management, scheduling, Unicode, instrumentation controls, plugin framework, diagramming, workflow, mail merge, and more.

Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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About author

Director of Delphi Consulting for GDK Software USA. Many software related patents, including swipe and pattern unlock and search engines. First Silver and Gold Delphi badges on Stack Overflow Former Developer Advocate for Embarcadero Technologies. Long time fan of programming, especially with Delphi. Author, Podcaster/YouTuber, Improvisor, Public Speaker, Father, and Friend.

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