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Why is Delphi for Linux Important?

the future of starts demands massive productivity

Author: Todor Geshev

Delphi for LinuxI recently asked some of our MVPs why Delphi for Linux was important to them. This is what they had to say . . .

“Delphi on Linux expands the Delphi World to large web servers, important for web services, and to small micro servers that can be used for IoT solutions. Now Delphi really runs everywhere.” -Danny Wind, Netherlands

“The cheapest hosting is in the Linux environment, there will no longer be a need for a dedicated server or cloud machine for small projects with the DataSnap technology since this can now be done in the linux environment, generating a significant reduction in costs Maintenance of these projects.” –Landerson Gomes, Brazil

“Linux is the dominant OS for Web servers, and infrastructure” -Boian Mitov, United States.

“The best servers are Linux. Now it is possible to do this with Delphi. Very cool.” Luis Felipe Gonzalez Torres, Venezuela

“I had been developing server/web applications in Linux/Unix since 1995. Using Linux for server applications is a common daily task for me. To share my existing code base across platforms will be a huge plus for us.” -Cesar Romero, Brazil

“Significantly reduces server software development time, using all the power of Delphi.” -Javier Pareja, Spain

“Linux is the future!” –Detlef Overbeek, Netherlands

“DataSnap servers on Linux!” –SangHyun Oh, Korea

“Delphi for Linux will be something wonderful! Here in Brazil the cost of hosting on Windows is quite high. With this new platform, this will be reduced considerably. In my humble opinion, this will be the tip of the iceberg.” –Alan Glei, Brazil

“Delphi for Linux is important for the server-side.” –Daniele Spinetti, Italy

“Linux is more common in the Web server environment than Windows.” –Joachim Dürr, Germany

“Delphi for Linux will allow the deployment of REST services to cheap Linux ‘pizza boxes'” –Olaf Monien, Germany.

“Linux is my preferred server operating system of choice.  I use it whenever possible over Windows.” –Steffen Nyeland, Denmark

“It is important because it will put just another platform into the mix of the multi-platform support. Customers do not want to be bound to one platform these days. They want to develop with a toolset that is mostly platform-agnostic.” –Holger Flick, Germany

“Delphi for Linux means more power for developers!” –Jose Castillo Reyes, Perú

“This release will extend the reach of Delphi console apps and service side to a larger developer community. It is the key platform for service side development beyond Windows.” -David Intersimone, United States

“Because it is what we expected to develop complete applications from single tool. I am very excited to finally do everything I need with my great Delphi.” -Eliseo Gonzalez, México

“Linux is the dominant server platform. It is time for Delphi for Linux.” -Michael Van Canneyt, Belgium

“We have a lot of server-side Delphi projects (rest, Web, dmvcframework) and Linux is the perfect platform for these.” –Daniele Teti, Italia

Danny Wind Detlef Overbeek Holger Flick Sanghyun Oh Landerson Gomes Boian Mitov
Luis Felipe Gonzalez Torres Alan Glei Daniele Spinetti   Olaf Monien Jose Castillo Reyes http://www.danieleteti.it/

Why is Delphi for Linux important to you?

If you are newer to Linux, or a little rusty, then join us for our Delphi for Linux Boot Camp on Wednesday.

Also, O’Reilly is making their Ten Steps to Linux Survival – Essentials for Navigating the Bash Jungle free to all of you.Ten Steps to Linux Survival - Essentials for Navigating the Bash Jungle

It covers:

  1. Connect to a Linux system with OpenSSH and PuTTY secure shells
  2. List files and directories, and move around within the file system
  3. Safely inspect the file contents without changing them
  4. Narrow your search by using commands to locate specific files
  5. Use the grep command to search for error messages inside a file
  6. Determine real-time system state to find underlying problems
  7. Examine disk utilization and zero in on space-hogging files
  8. Transfer suspect files from Linux to Windows for later analysis
  9. Use commands to start, stop, restart, or even kill unresponsive services
  10. Know where to find help when troubleshooting isn’t enough

So pick up a digital copy and we will see you Wednesday!


Do you want to create Powerful Linux Apps for Ubuntu with Delphi? Try the IDE Software,  which can help you create apps in Delphi or C++ environments.
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