Am I the only one who gets excited about new releases? If you look at the RAD Studio Roadmap you will see a new 10.4.2 release of Sydney is scheduled for the first half of 2021. If you are on Update Subscription then you were invited to the NDA 10.4.2 Hunter beta. Well now is your chance for a sneak peek of the next major release of RAD Studio. Delphi, and C++Builder!
Q&A Log
This is the Q&A Log from the launch webinar. We attempted to clean it up and remove any inadvertent personal information or inappropriate comments. Please leave a comment if you notice something that needs to be removed. Thanks!
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I am surprised that the help system is not mentioned in the roadmap. For me, this should be a first priority, as it is presently a total wreckhaos (both what you see when pressing F1 and the wiki). Just to give a few example :
-many items have the message “No embarcadero information” (e.g. ColWidths, where unit (pixel, mm, twips, etc.) should be given.
-the search system is absurd : searching for “format” gives more than 100 items, but none is the format specifiers the user is probably looking for…
-similarly, searching for printf does not give the simple printf(char *formatspec,…). It exists but is not accessible this way.
-the icons for MessageBox are hard to find (they are only in topic number 15 in the list generated by search)
-it is not clear if a function is independant or part of a class (e.g. ReplaceStr; and why is it not part of class AnsiString ?)
Also, some difficulties caused by the change to Unicode char should be corrected. E.g. In MessageBox, strings must be wchar_t*, why not have also a MassageBox etc. for ASCII strings ? i.e. MessageBox(char*, char*, flags)
Guy Berman
Excellent and i hope python library could be part of vcl in delphi ide
I downloaded the ISO and it still takes forever to install. And even though I have the ISO, it still appears to download stuff. Is there a command-line option or something that will speed it up?
It might say downloading, but it should already have it all on the ISO. Not sure of anything to speed up the install.
I am downloading 10.4.2 as we speak. I am still using XE7 but one reason I won’t update is they seem to have dropped multi monitor support. specifically you cannot extract the embedded form designer and put it on another monitor. This was in all versions up to 10.3 and dropped in 10.4. I have heard that they might bring it back – does this version do that?
This is a fatal flaw for me – I won’t use any version that does not support multi monitors.
There is a new feature around this specifically.
That sounds great! Are you planning to release a Community Edition for 10.4.2 as well? Currently, the website only allows downloading and requesting a community license for 10.3.3, which is noticeably behind.
Are you planning to release a Community Edition for 10.4.2