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TCoffeeAndCode Developer Chats in March 2021

TCoffeeAndCode Coffee Cup

TCoffeeAndCode is returning back for 3 more sessions in March, moving to a new time of 1pm GMT (2pm CET) to enable a lunchtime break, and also enable some of our American friends to join us for a breakfast bru!

  • Tue – 16th March – 1pm GMT / 2pm CET / 8am CDT
    • Catch up around RAD Studio 10.4.2
    • A chat with Marco Cantu and David Millington about 10.4.2 which released since our last TCoffeeAndCode
  • Tue – 23rd March – 1pm GMT / 2pm CET / 8am CDT
    • Modern UI Design
    • A discussion with Ian Barker (MVP) and Dr Holger Flick (TMS) about modern UI designs and how to keep your UI looking modern.
  • Tue – 30th March – 1pm GMT / 2pm CET / 7am CDT
    • IoT and Data
    • Diving into some of the technologies helping with the movement of data within the IoT space

We are aiming to shorten the sessions slightly to around 30 minutes of discussion, but if the chat is flowing, you are welcome to hang around a little longer.

We will be kicking off with a catch-up of what has happened since our last TCoffeeAndCode session, and have a special guest speaker from the PM team joining too!

Look forward to seeing you online as we talk all things #RAD

If you want to catch up on the episodes so far, please visit TCoffeeAndCode on EmbarcaderoTech YouTube

16th March – Catch up about RAD Studio 10.4.2

23rd March – Software UI Trends

30th March – IoT and Data

Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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About author

Pre-sales Director at Embarcadero

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