C++DatabaseDelphiIDERAD StudioWindows

What Is The Best IDE For Windows Application Development?

It might seem a simple choice, but there are several things which need to be taken into consideration when we go in search of the best IDE for Windows application development. First, let’s discuss why Windows is the best platform for software development a fact which is borne out by an incredible majority of developers who choose to use Windows as their primary operating system. Then we will…
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The Next Big Thing In Python GUI

Python is an extremely popular and adaptable programming language. Python’s ease of set-up, low learning curve, and low cost of entry has probably helped fuel an increased interest in coding and programming. The Python language has consistently grown in popularity…
DelphiIDERAD Studio

Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Windows App Development?

Windows 11 marks a visual evolution of the Windows operating system. As Windows moves forward, customers set a higher bar for desktop applications and massive demand for Windows app development. These customer expectations can be: Good performance on the low-cost appNative app user experienceComplete matching with the latest design principlesSupport for modern window features like window…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

The Top 5 Misconceptions About Windows Program Development

The Windows operating system is the most used desktop operating system in the World. Windows 11 launched with a substantial firestorm of publicity from Microsoft. With the new innovations such as the excellent Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL) there seems to be a large uptick in interest from coders looking to Windows program development. Microsoft have consolidated their position as the dominant…
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C++DelphiRAD Studio

Everything You Need To Create Windows Apps With C++

When you want to create a new app for Windows 10 or a new version, Windows 11, the first decision you make is what type of app to build. No matter what your app idea is there is a great selection of Windows app development tools to choose from. Microsoft has focused it’s more recent efforts on the C# programming language and its own proprietary technologies of WPF, UWP, WinForms, and .NET…
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