DelphiNewsRAD StudioWebinar

How To Recreate A Social Media App Using RAD Studio

RAD Studio is the fastest, easiest, most powerful way to create cross-platform apps and it can do anything any other framework can do. To prove how good RAD Studio with Delphi is I recreated the user interface of an award-winning social media platform, in four hours from start to finish. Oh, and the app runs on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, from the same code base. When the app is running it…
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Secrets of Visual Design on Windows 11

Using truly great IDE software really empowers software developers. RAD Studio is so much more than just Delphi – which I think is the easiest professional modern programming language you can pick – it also brings along a whole bunch of great things not the least…

Level Up Your UI Design Skills

Author: Rebekah D You’re short on time, and cash, so where can you go to learn new skills to improve your app UIs? There are a ton of free, or nearly free, on-demand resources if you know where to look. Enroll in free, or inexpensive, Online Courses: I love taking classes from Coursera. You can access the same college and university classes taught by great schools for free by auditing…
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Design Patterns in RAD Delphi

Author: Bogdan Polak BSC What is a design pattern? While several definitions can be formulated, they all contain one universal message. In my opinion the most accurate definition is given in the Wikipedia: I would like…

Changing FireMonkey style at runtime

Author: Pawe Gowacki Last month Sarina DuPont blogged about loading custom FireMonkey styles on a mobile device at runtime (“How to load custom styles at runtime“). That’s a very interesting approach to compile a custom style as a resource into the mobile app. This week there was another blog post by David I about the availability of the new great looking mobile FireMonkey…
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