
My quotes.txt file

Author: Rudy Velthuis I have often been asked about the quotes I use when writing to the newsgroups. These come from a file called quotes.txt, and are placed under my messages by my news client, XanaNews, by some kind of random process. Although, sometimes the quotes are so appropriate, that I still suspect that Colin Wilson (the author of XanaNews) has secretly put a small, hidden artificial…
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Showing Download Progress in Delphi SOAP

Author: deepak S1409 Download the code for this white paper (, 12 KB) Abstract This paper talks about how you can show a download “progress” bar (like many download utilities do) when using SOAP to transfer data. I’ve used Delphi 7 in this…

Multiple windows in Delphi

Author: deepak S1409 From a recent thread in borland.public.delphi.nativeapi.win32: There’s a problem in the way Delphi handles multiple open forms. Delphi applications can have multiple forms, and you will notice that each form does not appear on the task bar. Delphi…

The Delphi Eclipse...

Author: David O17638 One item in my previous post that I specifically didn’t address is the notion of using Eclipse instead of VS. Again, this is something we’d be remiss to ignore. However, the primary ding against Eclipse is its reliance on a JVM. Were it not for the fact that we are trying to support the .NET platform, this might be a reasonable path to…
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Basic Authentication in Delphi 7 SOAP

Author: Tóth Erik Back after a break. It’s been quite a while since I wrote, so I’ll cut to the chase. Question on newsgroups: How do I set username/password for Basic Authentication on SOAP. Issues: The HTTPRio.HTTPWebNode.UserName and .Password properties…

Making "Stay-on-top-forms" do want you want

Author: Embarcadero USA Delphi supports this type of forms by providing the FormStyle property for the TForm class. All you have to do is to set this property to fsStayOnTop. So why did I write this article? Well, there are a few things to consider: Using fsStayOnTop…

The Observer Pattern

Author: Joanna C1415 Introduction When we use Delphi to design forms and data modules, every time we place a component on the designer, several things change: the form now shows an appropriate representation of the component, the object inspector changes to show the properties of the component and, if we press Alt-F12, we see the .DFM file now contains information about the component. Whether…
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PopupMode and PopupParent

Author: Allen In VCL.NET (and for those of you paying attention, also in the version of Win32-VCL used in the IDE integration pack for Delphi 8) there is a new property on TCustomForm called PopupMode. This controls how the top-level form behaves with respect to…