
Using an IDE: Getting back to code faster

A C++ IDE or an Integrated Development Environment is application development software written to give you a way to create or write C++ applications and programs. There is usually a single interface that incorporates all the tools you need to develop applications including: Compiler Debugger Code Editor UI Designer Documentation While some developers believe that you donā€™t necessarily need anā€¦
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C++ with LINQ

Author: Shinji Chikugi I found an interesting C++ libraly.That is “LINQ for C++”. What’s “LINQ”? LINQ (Integrated Language Query) is a function of C#. LINQ issues a query to the container and gets the result. For details, please refer toā€¦

Building Stunning UIs with C++ and FireMonkey

With many companies taking the ā€œmobile firstā€ approach, building applications that work on multiple platforms is a requirement for success. Developers who know how to build for more than one platform are in demand, while application users have become accustomed toā€¦

Evolution of C++ standards

Programming languages are exciting for developers, and C++, one of the more technically challenging and also perhaps the most widely used compiled language, is one of the most exciting. As Theodore Roosevelt is misquoted (*), ‘the more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future,’ so letā€™s dive into a bit of C++ history and how itā€™s shaped our codingā€¦
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RAD Studio開ē™¼ē›ø關ēš„äø€äŗ›é‡č¦ę›“ę–°č³‡č؊

å·²ē¶“ę˜Æ5꜈äø‹ę—¬äŗ†, å°ę–¼é–‹ē™¼äŗŗ哔來čŖŖä»Šå¹“ęœ‰ę•øä»¶é‡č¦ēš„é–‹ē™¼äŗ‹ä»¶å€¼å¾—é—œę³Ø. 首先ę˜ÆRAD Studioęœ¬čŗ«, 從RAD Studioęœ€ę–°å¹¾å€‹ē‰ˆęœ¬ęˆ‘們åÆ仄觀åƟ到RAD Studioē¾åœØęƏäø€å€‹å¤§ē‰ˆęœ¬ä¹‹å¾Œęœƒęœ‰ę•ø個hot fix仄及3å€‹ę›“ę–°å°ē‰ˆęœ¬.

RAD Studio开发ē›ø关ēš„äø€äŗ›é‡č¦ę›“ꖰäæ”ęÆ

å·²ē»ę˜Æ5꜈äø‹ę—¬äŗ†, åƹäŗŽå¼€å‘äŗŗå‘˜ę„čÆ“ä»Šå¹“ęœ‰ę•°ä»¶é‡č¦ēš„开发äŗ‹ä»¶å€¼å¾—å…³ę³Ø. 首先ę˜ÆRAD Studioęœ¬čŗ«, 从RAD Studioęœ€ę–°å‡ äøŖē‰ˆęœ¬ęˆ‘们åÆ仄观åƟ到RAD StudioēŽ°åœØęƏäø€äøŖ大ē‰ˆęœ¬ä¹‹åŽä¼šęœ‰ę•°äøŖhot fix仄及3äøŖę›“ę–°å°ē‰ˆęœ¬.

Test Unitarios; Framework DUnitX (Entrega 4)

Author: GermĆ”n EstĆ©vez Completamos con esta entrada la serie sobre test unitarios, centrĆ”ndonos en el Framework DUnitX, que es el que actualmente embarcadero recomienda y se incluye en las Ćŗltimas versiones de Delphi. Test Unitarios; IntroducciĆ³n (Entrega 1) Test Unitarios; Framework DUnit (Entrega 2) Convertir Test de DUnit a DUnitX (Entrega 3) Test Unitarios; Framework DUnitX (Entregaā€¦
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SHA Hash with C++Builder and Delphi

I’ve always been fascinated by encryption & compression, but my favorite is probably the cryptographic hash function. A hash function is a one-way algorithm that takes an input of any size and always produces the same size output. It is one-way in that there isā€¦

RAD Studio 10.2.3 iOS 11.3 Patch available

Earlier this week we released aĀ patch for Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.2.3 that adds support for building iOS 11.3 applications for Development, App Store, Ad Hoc or In-House Distribution. This patch fixes the following publicly reportedā€¦

Removing the Community toolbar

The RAD Studio IDE contains a toolbar allowing you to log on to Community, and see messages sent to you by other users, questions and answers, andother notifications. Recent website upgrades have caused issues with this toolbar for some users (now resolved), and we plan to remove the toolbar altogether in an upcoming version of RAD Studio. If you have encountered issues, you can disable itā€¦
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