C++CodeRAD Studio

5 New Posts With Free C++ Builder CE, Dev-C++, BCC, GCC Examples

Hello developers, if you just starting out on your C++ journey and want to jump to a modern IDE and C++ compiler, there is a free version of C++ Builder, C++ Builder 11 CE Community Edition released on April 2023. If you are a start-up developer, student, hobbyist, or just interested in learning to code then the C++ Builder Community Edition may well be just the thing for you. Read the FAQ notes…
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Dev-C++ Modernized With Powerful New FastMM5 Memory Manager For Delphi

Embarcadero Dev-C++ is an open source C/C++ IDE project built in Delphi. Dev-C++ has been downloaded over 67 MILLON times since 2000 and a modernization effort was sponsored by Embarcadero to bring it up to the latest version of Delphi. The original version by Bloodshed software was originally built in Delphi 6 and then probably upgraded to Delphi 7. A newer unofficial fork called Orwell Dev-C++…
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How To Use Skia With C++ Builder 12

The latest RAD Studio C++ Builder 12 Update 1 has been released with a lot of enticing new features, such as the new bcc64x 64-bit CLANG compiler that has VCL/FMX/Skia GUI support with a one-click “64bit Windows Modern” platform option, a very useful Split Editor feature, fully integrated and enhanced Skia Library support with an abundance of support for graphic formats (SVG…
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