C++CodeRAD Studio

Three Important Modern C++ Features That Can Be Used With C++ Builder

Hello C++ Developers, this week, we have 3 more modern C++ features that can be used in C++ Builder. In C++14 you can store string in strings using modern programming methods. In the first post, we explain how you can preserve the string format especially when we use a string in a string with /”. Containers are powerful data storage arrays in modern C++ and they are very useful for iterating…
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C++RAD Studio

Useful Features Of Modern C++ That Come With C++14

Hello fellow C++ Developers. This week we continue to explore features from the C++14 standard. One of the features that comes with C++14 is auto return type deduction,. We explain auto return type deduction with very simple examples including lambda and template examples. The Lambda Expression construct is introduced in C++ 11 and further developed in the C++14, C++17, and C++20 standards. In…
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C++RAD Studio

Learn Powerful Multi-threading Operations With C++ Builder

Hello C++ developers, multi-thread operations evolved significantly with the advent of C++11, and this continued with additional improvements in the latest standards to enhance multi-thread operations further. The concurrency support library in modern C++ is designed to solve problems that can arise with multi-thread operations. According to the latest news about the new coming C++ Builder 12.0…
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Explicit Virtual Override And More In Modern C++

Hello everyone, I hope now you, your computer, and yourdevelopment softwareare enjoying your summer vacation, or at least you’re happy with your work 🙂 Over onLearnCPlusPlus.org, we add new C++ posts every day. These are good to learn the features of modern C++ compilers. In this round-up of recent articles, we explain some features of C++11 that tend to tighten the…
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