
¡Las Apps Cool se hacen aún Más Cool! [ en español ]

Spanish translation of Cool Apps Get Even Cooler! Todo el mundo habla de las otras aplicaciones Cool que se desarrollan también con Delphi o C++Builder. A veces se anuncian públicamente, otras veces las empresas quieren mantenerlo como un arma secreta. A medida que la comunidad de desarrolladores sigue creciendo, cada vez tiene más valor la inspiración que proporcionan este tipo de historias.
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Voice Recorder - Cool Apps Selection

Today’s Cool Apps selection is Voice Recorder from Norman Apps. As the name suggests, this is a high-quality voice recorder for Android devices that was developed in Delphi with FireMonkey and has a lot of fantastic features. Olivier Hubart, the lead developer, has…

Cool Apps Get Even Cooler!

Everyone always talks about those other cool apps that are developed with Delphi or C++Builder. Sometimes it is publicly announced, other times companies want to keep it a secret weapon.As our community of developers continue to grow there is more and more value in the…

Lazy Form Creation Design Pattern

Author: Pawe Gowacki One of the most important things about any application, and especially mobile apps, is short start-up time. End user does not like to wait for too long for an app to start. In some cases, if the start-up time is excessively long a mobile app may not be…

Fun with FireMonkey Gradients

Author: Pawe Gowacki Everybody loves colours. Great apps should use colours in clever and original ways. I have been recently spending a lot of time using Delphi XE5 for designing screens for mobile apps and must admit that I really like the way how iOS 7 is using colours…