
Get Kids Coding with IoT

Get Kids Coding with IoT Across all industries, coding is quickly becoming a crucial skill for the 21st-century workplace. Finding ways to teach kids how to program without becoming bored can be a challenge for parents. That’s where the Internet of Things (IoT) comes to the rescue. On June 13, 2018, two of Embarcadero’s Software Consultants; Al Mannarino and Mary Kelly, delivered a webinar…
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The Case for C++ in the IoT World

The Internet of Things or IoT is an extremely popular field in technology right now. With all the new tech that fills so many different consumer demands, the wide variety of choices for programming languages are getting some serious attention and I decided to give a nod to…

How to customize URL in Datasnap REST servers

Author: Landerson Gomes In this post I discuss how to customize the URLs generated by the Datasnap REST server. Challenge A major challenge in building APIs when using Datasnap is to generate URLs so that documentation, understanding, and versioning is easy. I’ve…

Using an IDE: Getting back to code faster

A C++ IDE or an Integrated Development Environment is application development software written to give you a way to create or write C++ applications and programs. There is usually a single interface that incorporates all the tools you need to develop applications including: Compiler Debugger Code Editor UI Designer Documentation While some developers believe that you don’t necessarily need an…
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Building Stunning UIs with C++ and FireMonkey

With many companies taking the “mobile first” approach, building applications that work on multiple platforms is a requirement for success. Developers who know how to build for more than one platform are in demand, while application users have become accustomed to…

Evolution of C++ standards

Programming languages are exciting for developers, and C++, one of the more technically challenging and also perhaps the most widely used compiled language, is one of the most exciting. As Theodore Roosevelt is misquoted (*), ‘the more you know about the past…

RAD Studio開發相關的一些重要更新資訊

已經是5月下旬了, 對於開發人員來說今年有數件重要的開發事件值得關注. 首先是RAD Studio本身, 從RAD Studio最新幾個版本我們可以觀察到RAD Studio現在每一個大版本之後會有數個hot fix以及3個更新小版本. 而這些更新都需要使用者到特定的URL下載安裝, 而且有許多使用者並不知道已經有hot…
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