
REST with Datasnap Details in Practical Application Part 2

Author: Landerson Gomes When exposing the project I decided to make use of REST DataSnap on the server side, and on the client side of the REST Client Library, and Firemonkey to create our solution. For serialize and deserialize of JSON types, we use the new features of the JSON Frameworks (inserted from the Seattle version): System.JSON.Readers and…
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C++ Builder Header Dependencies

Why should you care about header dependencies in C++? One reason is header dependencies can have an impact on building, refactoring, testing and on the structure of your software. And reducing header dependencies in C++ also reduces compile time dependencies – the…

Sencha aquired by Embarcadero (Idera)

Author: Pawe Gowacki It was in the bus on Monday, on the last day of my summer vacation. Catching up with news on my phone that was switched off for the last two weeks. A thrilling news! IDERA acquires web application development provider Sencha Probably in the short term nothing will change in how Embarcadero and Sencha operates, but in the long term there could be some very interesting synergies…
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New in RAD Studio 10.2.1: Debugger Quality

In RAD Studio 10.2Release 1 (or 10.2.1) we’ve made a number of improvements in the debugger. Windows debugging: general quality Do you debug multithreaded applications? You might have noticed that wait chain traversal, showing which threads were blocked on…

Why I choose Delphi

Author: Jens Fudge Why do I use Delphi I have been using Delphi since the first version came out back in 1995. My first encounter with Delphi was with Cary Jensen doing a presentation in Copenhagen. I was a student at the time, and didn’t really have the money to…

Why I Keep Choosing Delphi

Early on I learned Turbo Pascal, which was a huge step up from the Basic and Batch Fileprogramming I cut mywhitening on. When Delphi came along I thought it was brilliant and fell in love immediately. I had no interest in learning other programming languages or tools. Delphi did it all, and that was great. I found myself plenty of work and enough to keep my interest. I was curious…
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New in RAD Studio 10.2.1: C++ Improvements

In Tokyo Release 1 (otherwise known as 10.2.1) we’ve made a number of improvements toour C++ support: a small but useful change in the IDE, and some significant improvements in the toolchain itself. Toolchain: compiler, linker, etc Debugging and viewing…

Thought Controlled Drone in Tokyo

While I was in Tokyo for the Tokyo launch I worked with the Embarcadero office there to make a new BCI demo video. This is using the Emotiv EPOC wireless EEG headset to read cognitive thought patterns, which are transmitted wirelessly to the laptop and the Delphi powered…

New in RAD Studio 10.2.1: CodeGuard for Windows 8 and 10

CodeGuard is a tool for runtime error checking in a C++ application, and catches memory leaks, invalid handles, invalid memory use (such as writing past the end of a buffer), pointer validation, accessing freed memory and resources, and more. If you’ve never used it, check out the list ofruntime errors it will find, andpotential memory access problems it will warn…
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