
Changing the color scheme of an Android style

Author: Felipe X60228 In this post, we’ll show you how to use the Bitmap-style designer to change the color scheme of an Android-style you’ve created in IDE Software. Step 1: Select one of the Style Templates Open the Bitmap Style Designer via the Tools menu in the IDE.  Select New > New Android Light Style. You can choose any of the style templates provided here. but for this blog…
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Creating a custom button style with RAD Studio 10 Seattle

In RAD Studio 10 Seattle, we made many enhancements to the integrated style designer in the IDE. In today’s post, I thought I would cover the steps for creating your own custom button style using RAD Studio 10 Seattle. Follow the steps below to create your own custom button style for Windows. The same steps apply to customizing UI controls for other platforms as well. 1. Go to File > New…
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Mobile User Interface Design: Navigation Drawer

Drawer menus are very popular since they allow you to take advantage of more screen real estate when building your app. The main application menu is hidden by default, and invoked by tapping on a menu item or swiping left/right. This type of UI can be seen in many…