
Android Bluetooth SPP / RS232 with Delphi XE5 YouTube video and examples

I found this great Delphi XE5 Android Bluetooth YouTube video, byBjörn Hansen, from back in September last year after the launch of Delphi XE5. it shows you how to use Delphi to create an Android app that uses Bluetooth to connect to a lighting control system. The developer includes the source code for the example that also includes a Android Bluetooth Delphi interface unit version of the…
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Changing FireMonkey style at runtime

Author: Pawe Gowacki Last month Sarina DuPont blogged about loading custom FireMonkey styles on a mobile device at runtime (“How to load custom styles at runtime“). That’s a very interesting approach to compile a custom style as a resource into the mobile app. This week there was another blog post by David I about the availability of the new great looking mobile FireMonkey…
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Creating an Overflow Menu on Android

During my CodeRage 8 session I talked about creating an Action Bar with an Overflow menu, so I wanted to provide some step-by-step instructions. On Android, an Action Bar is atop(or top and bottomaligned) toolbar that is segmented into…

How to load custom styles at runtime

During my session at CodeRage, I briefly talked about how to load custom styles at runtime. I wanted to elaborate on this topic and provide some detailed steps. In this example, we are creating a mobile app for iOS and Android that uses the ‘Jet’ Premium…

Delphi XE5 Android Text to Speech example in CodeCentral

Author: Joshua P7819 Jeff Overcash, TeamB member and the maintainer of the InterBase Express Components (IBX) for the past 13.5 years, has created a Delphi wrapper unit for Android text to speech functionality.  Jeff has also created a simple demo example that allows you to input some text into a TMemo and hear the text spoken on your Android device.  In a comment on the Delphi XE5 Android API…
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Playing Audio Clips on Android

I have been working with our R&D team on the samples and snippets for RAD Studio XE5. Our mobile snippets are designed to showcase key functionality with just a couple of lines of code. Today I thought I would highlight our AudioPlayBack snippet. This snippet consists of the following 4 components: TToolbar 2 TSpeedButtons parented to the toolbar TMediaPlayer The toolbar Align property…
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