
Skill Sprint: Android Services for Background Execution

Author: Developer Skill Sprints New in Delphi and RAD Studio 10 Seattle is the ability to create Android services for background execution on Android, even when the app isn’t running. Register now for November 10th, 2015 This page will be updated with more information, resources and a replay after the Skill Sprint. Sample application using Location services in a Local Android Background…
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How to vibrate iOS and Android phones using FireMonkey and XE8

Pawel Glowacki asked about vibrating smartphones using Delphi code for iOS and Android. Thierry Laborde and Williamm Wittwer of Embarcadero France provided the following Delphi and FireMonkey sample code: unit Umain; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, …
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New FireMonkey Media Library Options in RAD Studio XE8

RAD Studio XE8 provides new FireMonkey Media Library options. This includes the ability to automatically save pictures taken by the device camera (in your iOS and Android applications) to the on-device photo library. Today, I thought I would show you how to save photos taken…

FireUI Multi-Device Designer and working with Views

In RAD Studio XE7, we introduced the FireUI Multi-Device Designer. FireUI makes it easy to create user interfaces across multiple devices using a master form to share all user interface code, and then optimize inherited views for each target platform and…

Mobile User Interface Design: Navigation Drawer

Drawer menus are very popular since they allow you to take advantage of more screen real estate when building your app. The main application menu is hidden by default, and invoked by tapping on a menu item or swiping left/right. This type of UI can be seen in many…

Uploading images to the cloud with BaaS in RAD Studio XE6

In Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio XE6, we integrate with leading Backend as a Service (BaaS) providers to add functionality and platform services to your applications. With BaaS, you get easy access to common services in the cloud without having to build or maintain the backend services yourself. This includes support for being able to upload images to your BaaS account using RAD Studio…
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