
Deep Space Rocks Runtime Customizable Mobile Arcade Game For Delphi 10.2 Tokyo

Embarcadero has four mobile arcade game projects for Delphi in Object Pascal available for free over on GitHub. All of the projects run on Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows. One of the projects is called Space Rocks and I modified this project to allow the player to customize the game at runtime (for more info about Space Rocks check out this blog post). The modified game is called Deep Space Rocks.
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How to get the version of your Android application with Delphi 10.2

Author: Landerson Gomes See in this tutorial how to capture the version of your Android Delphi application. (In Portuguese) Video Did you like it? Then sign up for the channel: Blog Post orignal on my personal blog, go to: Do you want to build an Android app? Try the Android App Builder…
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FireMonkey Native and Custom Styles in Action - Video

This video shows building a profile screen for your multi-device application using the FireMonkey framework with both native UI support and custom styling. Highlighted in the video are custom multi-device styles included in Embarcadero’s premium style bonus pack and…

Custom Fonts on Android with Delphi 10.2 Tokyo

Author: Landerson Gomes See in this post a quick video on how to distribute your App with custom fonts on the Android and provide even more attractive user interface customization. Video Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Click the link and go to the full post:  Do you want to build an Android…
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Author: Landerson Gomes Video Demo of a prototype project of the Fuel Station Management App. Project One partner asked me for a mobile application for fuel station management that interacted with a server application that already exists and is in production. Using Delphi…

Delphi on Raspberry Pi

[Part 1] [Part 2] Part 1 The Raspberry Pi is an example of a single board computer. These low-cost hobby or project computers are a prime staple of the Internet of Things. More powerful than an Arduino, but not a full desktop. They often have limited or specialized hardware…

Creating a profile screen for your mobile application

I am using the following components on my form: TTabControl with 3 tab items TabItem3 consists of: TCircle with the stroke color set to match the toolbar color and a profile photo as the fill TToolbar with multiple Speedbuttons and the screen title Multiple labels on the form TListBox with several list items, each with a custom bitmap and a Listbox search header. TStyleBook…
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