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Practical Info: Packages in C++Builder 12.2

We’ve released the new Windows 64-bit Modern C++ toolchain over time: a preview in C++Builder 12.0 through to fully complete in 12.2 (dynamic package linking, CMake support, parallel building by default, etc.) In 12.2, it is a full replacement for the old Win64 toolchain. But we’ve seen a few customers say, ‘Looks exciting, and I want to use it, but where are packages?’ They’re here. The…
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Attending Spring4D Conference Next Month in Italy

Wintech Italiaand Stefan Glienke have partneredto organize the first European conference focused on theSpring4D library. Stefan is also one of the main speakers, along with Primoz Gabrijelcic, while Paolo Rossi will help hosting the event. You can…

February 2019 GetIt Package Manager Report

Welcome to the February 2019 GetIt Package Manager report with all the amazing stats from January. New and Updated The following packages were added new or updated this last month. Beyond just updating for 10.3 Rio we see new arrival NexusDB Embedded Free, an 100%…

Top 10 Most Popular Open Source Delphi Projects On GitHub By Star Rating

There are quite a few Delphi open source projects on GitHub that can really save you some time. I searched for Delphi on GitHub and then sorted by the Most Starred projects and came up with this Top 10 list. There is some really good stuff here including Awesome Delphi (which is another top list), Delphi IDE color theming projects, an MVC web framework, a REST API client,Open Source Computer…
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RxLib and Tokyo Compatibility

Author: Jhonny Although in the pagehttp://www.micrel.cz/RxLib/says that they are not the official page of theRxLib, anyone needing this library of components to be able to update their version Delphi … they hope that they add support for Delphi Tokyo. As…

Migrating Delphi - Case Studies Webinar

On this webinar we learned how to migrate from older editions of Delphi with some stories of what to look for and how to update your code (including tools and resources to help you along the way) This webinar focused on these three areas for migrating legacy Delphi to the current Delphi version: * Migrating 3rd Party Components / Libraries * Migrating Unicode * Migrations of Database and…
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Ways you can customize the RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder 10 Seattle IDE today

From time to time I get asked how developers can customize their IDE experience. There are many ways to set options that affect the IDE, registry settings you can change and external 3rd party tools you can use. Here are a few ideas about what you can do to take control of the look and feel of the Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder 10 Seattle IDE. Use the IDE Tools | Options menu…
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