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Top 10 Most Popular Open Source Delphi Projects On GitHub By Star Rating

the future of starts demands massive productivity

There are quite a few Delphi open source projects on GitHub that can really save you some time. I searched for Delphi on GitHub and then sorted by the Most Starred projects and came up with this Top 10 list. There is some really good stuff here including Awesome Delphi (which is another top list), Delphi IDE color theming projects, an MVC web framework, a REST API client, Open Source Computer Vision Library headers for Delphi, a really powerful custom TreeView component, a unit testing framework, a component for embedding Chrome in your app, and finally the fantastic OmniThreadLibrary.

Check out the full list below and start taking advantage of these fantastic projects in your own Delphi programming endeavors.

  1. Awesome Delphi
    A curated list of awesome Delphi frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things.
  2. Delphi IDE Theme Editor
    The Delphi IDE Theme Editor (DITE) is a tool to customize the IDE color highlighting of several Object Pascal IDE’s like Delphi (RAD Studio).
  3. DelphiMVCFramework
    DMVCFramework (for short) is a popular and powerful framework for web solution in Delphi
  4. Delphi REST Client API
    A Delphi REST client API to consume REST services written in any programming language.
  5. Virtual-TreeView
    Virtual Treeview is a Delphi treeview control built from ground up. Many years of development made it one of the most flexible and advanced tree controls available today. Virtual Treeview starts off with the claim to improve many aspects of existing solutions and introduces some new technologies and principles which were not available before.
  6. Delphi-OpenCV
    Project Delphi-OpenCV is a translation of the OpenCV library header files in Delphi.
  7. DUnitX
    DUnitX is a new test framework, taking ideas from DUnit, NUnit and other test frameworks. It is designed to work with Delphi 2010 or later, it makes use of language/RTL features that are not available in older versions of Delphi.
  8. Delphi IDE Colorizer
    The Delphi IDE Colorizer (DIC) is a plugin which allows to skin the look and feel of the workspace of the RAD Studio IDE
  9. CEF4Delphi
    CEF4Delphi is an open source project created by Salvador Díaz Fau to embed Chromium-based browsers in applications made with Delphi.
  10. OmniThreadLibrary
    OmniThreadLibrary is a simple to use threading library for Delphi. OTL’s main “selling” points (besides the prices, of course 😉 are power, simplicity, and openess. With just few lines of code, you can set up multiple threads, send messages between them, process Windows messages and more. 
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FMXExpress.com has over 600 articles with all kinds of tips and tricks for Delphi FireMonkey on Android, IOS, OSX, Windows, and Linux.

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