Delphi Profilers are used for Delphi application analysis, including performance profiling, memory and resource profiling, code coverage, unused unit detection, code metrics, exception tracing and integration with RAD Studio.
To get more detailed information about the Spider – Delphi Profiler, check the features below:
- Detailed debug information (internal, TDS, MAP)
- Display information for multi-threaded applications
- Timeline diagram for process execute
- Analysis of exceptions
- Analysis of the realtime use of memory
- Analysis of memory leaks
- Analysis of the call stack
- Analysis of run-time functions (code tracking)
- Analysis of the “deadlocks” (Sleep, CriticalSection, SendMessage, etc.)
- The ability to view the source code in the analysis of events
This fork contains portions of (hash) code from the DWScript repository (https://bitbucket.org/egrange/dwscript) which is copyright by Eric Grange.
Since the license for this project has not been specified by the original author, it might not be compatible when specified.
To download the library, please visit the link below:
Embarcadero Editor’s note: This post originally contained a link to the project’s custom domain home page. However, after the article was published it became clear that the referenced domain had expired since the time of publication and had been taken over by a site which displayed links which Embarcadero neither endorses nor do we believe are suitable for a general audience. As a result, we have updated the article to remove the now-defunct links.
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http://dbg-spider.net is not reachable. A compiled executable is available for download at https://yavfast.github.io/dbg-spider/
Thanks for pointing that out. The full source is also available at: https://github.com/yavfast/dbg-spider