C++DelphiRAD Studio

Quick Way To Bind ListCollections Between Control and Source Component With ListCollections Sample App

ListCollections is a sample application on how to use LiveBindings to populate a list box with the items gathered from various collections.You can find Delphi and C++ code samples in GitHub Repositories. Search by name into the samples repository according to your RAD Studio version. ListCollections Sample requires the following component: TBindingsList: Built on…
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10.4 Patch #2: Delphi code completion and IDE fixes

10.4 Patch #2, released yesterday, makes many tweaks and changes to DelphiLSP code completion Delphi 10.4 redesigned Code Insight, one of the most significant changes to the Delphi IDE in a decade. It’s now asynchronous and responsive, and uses the compiler as a…

RAD Studio 10.4 Now Available, Learn More

We are very excited to announce the release of Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney. RAD Studio 10.4 delivers significant improvements for Windows 10 VCL desktop development, Delphi multi-device development, and developer productivity that optimize application performance while reducing time developers spend building and maintaining code. The installers for RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney, Delphi…
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Get ready for the 10.4 Beta with Update Subscription

Update Subscription offers many benefits to our Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio customers. Besides key benefits such as access to updates, upgrades and technical support, we also invite our Update Subscription customers to participate in our beta program. Beta…

25 Reasons For Using Delphi in 2020

When Delphi 1 was released 25 years ago, I compiled a top ten reasons for using Delphi. This is my original list from the preface of the original Mastering Delphi books: “There are many programming environments you can work with, but Delphi is outstanding for a number of reasons. Here are my top ten reasons to use Delphi, in reverse order: 10. Previous Borland Pascal and C++ compilers 9. The…
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25 FireMonkey Tips for Delphi's 25th Birthday

In today’s Delphi birthday post, I am including 25 FireMonkey tips for building multi-device applications. 1. Home screens are a popular design paradigm as they display the key app functionality on the first screen, making it easily accessible to the application user.

Rapidly Design, Build, And Develop Powerful Visually Stunning Apps In C++Builder

Many thanks to Eli for this great overview of C++Builder and what it offers to application developers. Embarcadero’s C++Builder is a versatile rapid application development tool which leverages powerful technologies to help you quickly build beautiful desktop and mobile apps with the power of C++. C++Builder has built-in support for platforms like Windows and iOS, technologies like JSON/BSON…
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