
DataSnap "CUSTOMERS" FireDAC JSON Reflection Demo Code

Author: Mério C11139 My “RAD in Action: Build Modern Apps with Enterprise Mobility Services” webinar is happening right now. During my 50 minutes session I’m demonstrating using DataSnap framework for building multi-tier database application with FireDAC JSON Reflection framework. That’s very powerful and very easy to code. During the demo I have illustrated the…
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Mobile User Interface Design: Navigation Drawer

Drawer menus are very popular since they allow you to take advantage of more screen real estate when building your app. The main application menu is hidden by default, and invoked by tapping on a menu item or swiping left/right. This type of UI can be seen in many…

Adding alphabetical sorting with A-Z headers to your lists

Author: Masood B6450 Using Visual LiveBindings, custom LiveBindings expressions and TListView, it it easy to add ListView headers to your mobile application that support alphabetical ordering and various other customizations. It will only take a couple of steps to enable it for data that is already alphabetically sorted, and an additional step for unsorted data. Adding A-Z grouping to your…
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