C++CodeDelphiIDERAD StudioTech Partner

10 Tell-Tale Signs You Need To Get A New Python Development Tool

Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language which was first launched 31 years ago. It is known for its simplicity, readability, and excellent libraries. It consistently appears in lists of the top programming languages, so many part-time developers consider giving it more airtime. However, to do more in Python, you need a better Python development tool and learn new ways. Change…
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13 Things About C++ Software You May Not Know

C++ is an incredibly versatile, powerful, multi-purpose programming language. There is quite literally nothing that cannot be done with C++ whether it be a low-level, close to metal system application which pulls out the maximum amount of power from the computer to the most…

Python on Android with Delphi FMX - The Cross Platform GUI Framework

Discover how Embarcadero’s new free Python modules bring the power and flexibility of Delphi’s GUI frameworks to Python GUI. VCL and FireMonkey (FMX) are mature graphical user interface libraries. VCL is primarily used for native Windows development, whereas FireMonkey provides a powerful and flexible GUI framework for Windows, Linux, macOS, and even Android. In this webinar, we…
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5 Ways To Make Use Of AI In Your Windows And Mobile Apps

AI is one of the most significant trends in the app development industry. We can witness that artificial intelligence is coursing into every regular activity of ours whether it is medicine, finance, production, cyber security through mobile and desktop applications. In…
DelphiEventRAD StudioWindows

5 Reasons Why It's Great to be a Delphi Developer in 2021-2022

Delphi is one of the programming world’s legendary languages, a cornerstone of the history of software development. New languages have come to the fore as new platforms and frameworks have emerged, but Delphi has stood its ground as development trends came and went because of its reliability and efficacy as a development path.  What’s more, over time Delphi has not only not faded into the…
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Top 10 How-To’s: Delphi & Python

What would it be like to create tools that integrate Delphi with Python (including building Python GUI apps)? How much fun would it be to allow Delphi to execute Python code and call Python libraries, and allow Python to call modules in Delphi and interact with Delphi code…