
Rapidly Design, Build, And Develop Powerful Visually Stunning Apps In C++Builder

Many thanks to Eli for this great overview of C++Builder and what it offers to application developers. Embarcadero’s C++Builder is a versatile rapid application development tool which leverages powerful technologies to help you quickly build beautiful desktop and mobile apps with the power of C++. C++Builder has built-in support for platforms like Windows and iOS, technologies like JSON/BSON…
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RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder 10.3.2: List of Patches

We’ve released five patches (also known as hotfixes) for RAD Studio 10.3.2. To ensure you know about all of them, and can install correctly, here is a list and some overview information. If we release any others, we’ll update this blog post with details. When we release a patch, we have a download containing the files and a readme with installation instructions. To ensure you know…
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RAD Studio 10.3.2 C++ Debugging Patch

A patch for debugging local variables withthe classic and Clang compilers We’ve just released a patch (what used to be called a hotfix) foran issue affecting C++Builder 10.3.2. Debugging variables in apps built with the Classic bcc32 compiler could not be…

Modern C++ with Modern Windows

This month, September 2019, Windows 10 now has over 50% market share according to VentureBeat. It passed Windows 7 in January. Windows 7, which was introduced in 2009, will have support end in January, and the message from Microsoft is clear: Windows 10 is where both Microsoft’s focus and the industry are headed. At the same time, C++ has been progressing fast. In 2009 when Windows 7 was…
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RAD Studio C++ and Delphi Toolchain Patch Released

A patch for debugging local variables for Win32 C++, and linkinglarge Delphi macOS64 apps Updated Sep 26 2019 – see below We’ve just released a patch (what used to be called a hotfix) for two issues affecting Delphi and C++Builder 10.3.2. Debugging local…

Boost 1.68 for Win32 and Win64 in C++Builder 10.3.2

RAD Studio 10.3.2 comes with theup-to-date version 1.68 of Boost for both Win32 and Win64 Clang-enhanced compilers, plus Boost for the classic compiler The 10.3.x version of C++Builder has focused so far on upgrading the C++ toolchain to support C++17, as well as providing more performance, a better RTL and more; and on Code Insight such as code completion.(There are some nice…
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