15 Tips to Graduate from Classroom C++ to Modern C++ Part 3/3

Adopt the latest standards C++ is a great programming language with it’s standards dating from 1998. The C++ standard is not about teaching how to use C++; it is a formal and very detailed technical document intended primarily for people writing C++ compilers and standard library implementation. This allows developers to code knowing that their code will work on other toolchains implementing…
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Learn To Use ExchangeRates API With REST In C++ Builder

Do you want to add live exchange rates features to your applications? You can easily get live exchange rates in our C++ Builder and Delphi applications by using ExchangeRates API from theexchangeratesapi.iothat is free for 250 requests monthly. It is very easy to…

2021 Annual C++ Developer Survey "Lite" by - Results summary ran a C++ developer survey “lite” for the past week. You can find the PDF survey results on the site at More than 1800 C++ developers responded to the survey. Here are a few items that I pulled out of the PDF results. Almost 90% of respondents use C++ for work. Over 50% of developers have…
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C++ Lambda Expressions for Beginners

A lambda expression defines an anonymous function or a closure at the point where it is used. You can think of a lambda expression as an unnamed function (that’s why it’s called “anonymous”). Lambda expressions make code cleaner and more concise, and allow you to see…

High-Performance C++ NMEA Parser GPS Interface

Most GPS modules have a serial port, which makes them excellent to connect to a microcontroller or computer. It is common for the microcontroller to parse the NMEA data. Parsing is just removing the pieces of data from the NMEA sentence so the microcontroller can do something useful with the data. NMEA is an acronym for the National Marine Electronics Association. Why do you need to parse…
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C++RAD Studio

Quick And Responsive Test Suite For Analyzing C++ Hash Functions

There is no such thing as a good hash function for universal hashes. Depending on the context different criteria determine the quality of a hash. To test your hash function using data drawn from the same distribution that you expect it works on. When looking at a hash function on 64-bit longs, the default hash function is excellent if the input values are drawn uniformly from all possible long…
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