
Setting Text Parameters in FireMonkey

Author: Сергей One of small but rather useful new features of FireMonkey introduced in XE3 version is the FMX.Types.ITextSettings interface. Often we need to change some parameters of an output text for a component, which class is not known a priori. For example, a component can be of the TText or TTextControl classes. These classes have Color or FontColor properties respectively. In general…
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YAML and Remote Code Execution

Author: Craig Stuntz YAML’s security risks are in no way limited to Rails or Ruby. YAML documents should be treated as executable code and firewalled accordingly. Deserializing arbitrary types is user-controlled, arbitrary code execution. It’s Not Just Ruby A…

XE3 Visual LiveBindings: User defined objects

Author: Jim T1392 The adapter components TListBindSourceAdapter and TObjectBindSourceAdapter enable LiveBindings with user defined TObjects. Here is a user defined TObject for example. type TContact = class private FFirstName: string; FLastName: string; public constructor Create; overload; constructor Create(const AFirstName, ALastName: string); overload; property…
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Components vs Children in FireMonkey

Author: Jayme Jeffman Filho You have probably iterated through the Components array many many times as a Delphi developer. Consider this simple application: It’s probably no surprise that listing the Components of the form like this… procedure…

Installing Sonar for Delphi

Author: Miguel Angel Oliver On15th of November the HTML5 Builder QA Team was in the VLCTesting where welearned very good experiences and shared knowledge, amongst this was the software Sonar,Right now in HTML5 Builder we are not using that tool but we…

Custom FireMonkey "TSimpleTriangle" component

Author: Pawe Gowacki Have you ever written a component in Delphi? Reusable components are the corner-stone of rapid application development and important part of Delphi success on the market. Being able to manipulate an instance of a class at design-time is where Delphi shines! One day I was looking at mocking up a FireMonkey turn-based board game. A screen with a board and names of two opponents.
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Getting to grips with using FireMonkey Grids

Although there is a huge amount that is the same for Delphi and C++ Builder developers between VCL and FireMonkey, one thing that has changed is the FireMonkey grids. FireMonkey Grid Example After a recent question at an event, I thought I would put a little demo together to…

FireMonkey Styles for Blinking Button

Author: Eusebio M40205 The problem appeared when discussing “Scalability of enterprise DBMS-targeted systems” (in English on massive demand in comments) with Dmitriy Kouzmenko, Russian expert in InterBase since its origin. Then this occasional topic called more…

Writing a FireMonkey DLL for use with a VCL application.

VCL App calling a FireMonkey DLL We have had a lot of questions on the road show tour about how to mix Fire Monkey and VCL. Although this is not officially supported, a number of blogs have started to appear with ways to do this. One way that is appropriate to add additional functionality to your VCL application is by writing a DLL library that contains your FireMonkey forms and initializing that…
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