We just had a fantastic RAD Server Webinar with David I., and have started publishing a series of articles and an ebook also by David I. This post is an index or hub for all these resources, and I’ll update it as we continue to roll them out.
- The Complete Guide to RAD Server eBook by David I. (only available to RAD Server Enterprise and Architect customers)
- Mobilizing your Business with Enterprise Mobility Services Middleware by Cary Jensen
- (webinar, whitepaper, and code)
- Articles
- Introduction to Building Your First RAD Server Service by David I.
- Returning JSON: TJSONValue, TJSONWriter, and other options by David I.
- Using EMSDataSetResource Component by David I.
- How-To: Configuring Your RAD Server Instance by Eli M.
- How To: Generating Documentation for RAD Server APIs by Eli M.
- How-To: Deploy The Production Version Of RAD Server To Windows IIS by Eli M.
- How-To: Deploy The Production Version Of RAD Server To Linux by Eli M.
There are other great resources in our DocWiki
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