CodeRage XI is coming up and it’s a great time to go back and review some of the sessions from CodeRage X you may have missed. You can register for CodeRage XI by signing up here. Productivity, Platforms and Performance is the theme for CodeRage XI which runs from November 15-17, 2016. In the CodeRage X replay you can join Ray Konopka as he runs through how to add VCL Styles to your Delphi and C++Builder applications. You can also access the VCL Premium Styles Pack for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin here.
VCL Styles enable VCL Applications to support skinning. That is, the ability to dynamically change the appearance of user interface elements without coding changes or recompiling. This session illustrates how to leverage VCL Styles, avoid potential problems, add support in custom controls, and even create a custom VCL Style. Why not take a few minutes to modernize your application with the latest Windows look and feel?
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