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Graphics32 Is A Powerful Drawing Library To Enhance Your Delphi Windows Apps

fast graphics library for delphi

Graphics32 is a graphics library for Delphi. Optimized for 32-bit pixel formats, it provides fast operations with pixels and graphics primitives. In most cases, Graphics32 considerably outperforms the standard TBitmap/TCanvas methods.

However, they are rewritten to accelerate and optimize drawing on 32-bit device-independent bitmaps (DIBs). It also includes a few new options.

Features of the Graphics32 library:

  • Fast per-pixel access is up to 100 times faster compared to standard TCanvas/TBitmap
  • High-performance Bitmap alpha blending
  • Arbitrary polygon transformations and custom fillings
  • Bitmap resampling with high-quality reconstruction filters
  • Affine transformations of bitmaps: rotations, scaling
  • Flexible supersampling implementation for maximum sampling quality
  • Multiple customizable, easy-to-use overlay layers
  • Platform independent code

Graphics32 has some important differences from the standard components. It does not heavily rely on Windows GDI; most of the functions are reimplemented and optimized specifically for 32-bit pixel format.

Here is some sample code from the Graphics32 ArrowHead example:

Other drawing examples include:

  • AntiAliasing
  • ArrowHead
  • Benchmark
  • Blurs
  • Clipper
  • CubicSpline
  • Curves
  • GammaBlur
  • GammaCorrection
  • GradFills
  • GradLines
  • GradSampler
  • Grow
  • LineStippling
  • Lion
  • MeshGradients
  • Polygons
  • RenderText
  • ScatterPlot
  • SvgPath
  • TextVPR
  • VertexReduction

Head over to GitHub and check out the Graphics32 library here!

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Software Developer | CS(CyberSec) Undergrad at APU Malaysia | Delphi/C++ Builder Enthusiast | Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador | Microsoft Azure Certified


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