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GM Update! Quality and Access!

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Idera Developer Tools Family Grows

Idera Developer Tools continue to grow with the recent acquisition of apilayer (www.apilayer.com), which provides a variety of high performance api offerings ranging from geolocation to currency rates. We have aggressive ambitions to further expand our portfolio, including products that complement Embarcadero’s RAD Studio. As the complexity of the business increases, I asked Kyle Wheeler to step-in and take a more active role across all Embarcadero products. He was successful with both Whole Tomato and Interbase, and his passion for our developer ecosystem continues to grow. You will hear a lot more from him, as he takes over more GM responsibilities for the whole business. I will also continue to do my best to drive the business forward, but in a more limited capacity. We have achieved a lot together and the opportunity for Delphi and RAD Studio to make developers and companies successful is enormous. With that here are some updates from Kyle.

Delphi is on the Move!

Over the last few weeks, we’ve released a few patches for RAD Studio 10.4.2 with both Delphi and C++ fixes. Read more about those here. These patches are representative of our commitment to quality and enhancements that matter most for our customers. We’ve seen great adoption of our latest build and are excited about what’s to come later this year. This internal momentum has been great to see and we expect it to continue as more companies and developers get back to work. We’ve also seen Delphi language popularity, mentions, and activity around the web increase as noted by the consistent upward movement we’ve seen in the Tiobe Index, which has not always been so kind to Delphi. While this isn’t the end all be all for measuring our growth and progress, it is positive for developers and companies that have Delphi applications and are looking to expand their teams. We obviously love Delphi and RAD Studio and want more and more users to learn and develop with it. Over the past few months, we’ve been creating content to support the early adoption of Delphi and are beginning to circulate it around the web. If you’re a content creator or instructor that would like to be a part of our Delphi learning initiatives, please reach out to me directly.

C++Builder for All!

If you’ve been to our store this week you might have noticed a new item: Annual Subscription for C++Builder. I know every IDE is moving away from perpetual licensing and wants you to use their cloud services in exchange for discounts, that’s not what this is. We want more developers to have access to an amazing development platform. With all the financial strain caused by Covid 19 this past year, we want to make sure cost isn’t the issue when it comes to adopting C++Builder and RAD studio. If perpetual licenses are best for you and your company, then by all means, continue to use this model. But, if you have been on the fence about updating to a new version due to cost constraints or you want a more predictable cost yearly and a subscription license makes sense for you, well, it’s available for the professional version of C++Builder.

InterBase Expands Support for Visual Studio!

InterBase users, we’re happy to announce that we’ve updated the ADO.NET drivers for Visual Studio. This is a complete rewrite of the legacy drivers and will be available for download as a NuGet package and listed on the Visual Studio Marketplace. While InterBase will continue to be part of the RAD Studio experience (for free as IBToGo or IBLite for mobile deployment), we know more and more users outside of our ecosystem are using InterBase. The power of InterBase for mobile or embedded applications and the patented ChangeViews technology is unparalleled and we want more developers to see it. 

As we expand support for Visual Studio, we’ll be launching a refreshed InterBase website with more content to support usage and adoption of InterBase. We have an amazing customer base across finance, healthcare, construction management, and manufacturing that have been leveraging the power of InterBase in their embedded applications for years. Head over to the newly refreshed website or contact our sales team directly to see how InterBase can work for you!

Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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