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Fun Amazons Board Game App Is Made With Delphi


Amazons is a many-faceted game app that has been developed in Delphi. According to the developer, “The game set typically used to play Amazons is a draughts board of size 10 × 10, four white and four black chess queens (called amazons), and a supply of go pieces of one colour (called arrows). The starting position and a first move of white are shown in Fig. 1. A move consists of two steps: (1) the player chooses an amazon of his colour and moves it like a chess queen diagonally, vertically, or horizontally as far as he prefers, provided that no obstacle (another amazon or an arrow) blocks the way; (2) the amazon played has to throw an arrow. Arrows also move like chess queens. They stay at their destination square for the rest of the game and are represented by black squares in the other figures of this article. The players move alternately until one player can no longer move. This happens after at most 92 moves. The player who makes the last move wins the game. A challenging problem concerning the rules of amazons is as follows: Should white’s advantage of making the first move be compensated by a komi and if so, by how many points? We will discuss two possible komi rules in more detail in Section 8 of this article. I first heard about amazons at a Youtube on cA final game with Elwyn Berlekamp (Amazons) – Numberphile channel : Numberphile Topics about msri mathematics . I was fascinated by the deepness and subtlety of ‘simple’ positions in amazons that have been analyzed by Berlekamp , Snatzke , Müller and Tegos. Inspired by discussions with Müller about his computer program ARROW and my experiences of playing amazons I started to write the computer program AMAZONG. AMAZONG has won the amazons tournaments at the seventh Computer Olympiad in Maastricht in 2002 and at the eighth Computer Olympiad in Graz in 2003.”

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Submit your own showcase app to the Delphi 26th Birthday Showcase Challenge!

Read up on this article about another great game written using RAD Studio Delphi called Xpand and see screenshots of this simple but addictive game.

Next, learn about a fun, open source game built in Delphi called 3DMahjong and its schematic features.

Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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