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Enterprise Connectors now part of RAD Studio Enterprise & Architect Edition

As you may have read in Atanas Popov’s GM Update blog post last month, we’ve been working on exciting changes to our Enterprise and Architect edition SKUs.

We’re happy to announce that an Enterprise Connector (CData FireDAC Professional) 1 year subscription license (a $999 value) is now included as part of 10.3 Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio Enterprise and Architect edition purchases (see steps below). Customers current on subscription for Enterprise or Architect edition can also claim their license key for the Enterprise Connectors. 

Enterprise Connectors, powered by CData, make connecting to any application as easy as connecting to a database. 

Key benefits include:

  • Move, integrate, and analyze data with ease utilizing our FireDAC Enterprise Connectors. These unparalleled components allow you to integrate 70+ Enterprise applications, simplifying connectivity into a standard model using SQL.
  • Included are components for QuickBooks Desktop, MailChimp, Salesforce, YouTube, SugarCRM, Jira, SurveyMonkey, Amazon DynamoDB, Couchbase, PayPal, eBay, Google Sheets, Facebook, Twitter, Slack, Dropbox and more

How to claim your Enterprise Connector subscription license key:

  • Visit https://reg.codegear.com/srs6/promotion.jsp?promoId=561
  • Enter your Delphi, C++Builder or RAD Studio Enterprise or Architect edition serial number that is current on Subscription
  • Follow the steps on screen
  • Check your email for the Enterprise Connector (CData FireDAC Professional) subscription license key and download link to download and install the connectors 
    • The available connectors are shown here under “Professional Subscription” 

Note: Limited to one CData Enterprise Connector Subscription key per EDN account. Academic license holders are not eligible. 

For support questions, please contact [email protected]

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About author

Director of Product Management, Developer Tools Idera, Inc.

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