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Embarcadero Conference Brazil 2024

The Embarcadero Conference 2024 was held on September 5th and was a truly transformative event.

The event

The Embarcadero Conference 2024 took place at the Amcham Business Center in São Paulo on September 5. The event, already a tradition in the community of users of Embarcadero products in Brazil, featured the participation of more than 40 speakers who presented on 6 simultaneous stages throughout the day.


In addition to the lectures, networking is guaranteed at an event of this size, after all there were more than 600 attendants present willing to interact with the entire community present.


The event also featured a store selling souvenirs linked to the products and lifestyle of developers.

Keynote and news

Embarcadero Conference 2024 brought Ian Barker, Developer Advocate and MVP Program Lead at Embarcadero, to Brazil for the first time. Ian presented the keynote from the perspective that Brazil can be the new Silicon Valley.


Ian also spoke about the renewal of the Delphi community in Brazil, something that was noticeable in the audience and also on stage at the event, with several new speakers.


Another highlight of Ian’s presentation was a preview of the next release of RAD Studio, release 12.2, which should be available soon, but which Ian shared first-hand with the speakers present.

It was really exciting!

My participation

Speaking of excitement, I could see how enthusiastic the event participants were about the presentations and interactions. I was particularly happy to welcome Ian and give him an official Fluminense shirt, personalized with his name and number 12.2 in reference to the upcoming release.


My presentation was scheduled for 2:45 pm, and in it I addressed RAD Server, and how the tool can be useful to quickly provide REST architecture, adding modernity and scalability even to resources present in legacy projects.


As Director of the Embarcadero Academic Program, I was able to welcome some guests, such as professors and students from the Centro Paula Souza (CPS).


Professor Leonardo Ercolin, from UFPR, also brought student Victor Alcantara. The student works directly on the TopoCalc project, which is developed using RAD Studio (C++ Builder).


Another memorable moment of my participation was due to my friends at TMR, who bought a batch of my book, Developing Apps in Minutes (PT-BR), and presented employees and customers with copies that were autographed by me in a book signing session held at the TMR stand during the last coffee break of the event.


For me, in particular, after 10 years of Embarcadero Conference , yes, this was my tenth participation on the event stage, a new emotion.


At the end of the day, the closing ceremony included a raffle for sponsors’ gifts, licenses, and the traditional photo of the speakers and MVPs! And look how many people were missing from the photo.


Anyway, very high expectations for next year, see you at ECon2025!

See you then!

Original Post in Portuguese – BR: https://www.landersongomes.com.br/embarcadero/delphi/embarcadero-conference-2024-eu-fui

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