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Delphi 26th Birthday Showcase Challenge

delphi 26th birthday showcase challenge 2877280

Update: New extended the deadline and simplified requirements. Submit until Feb 22nd. We extended the voting window until Friday, the 5th of March because it took so long to get them all posted, especially with the 10.4.2 release in there.

Another great Delphi birthday approaches! Let’s celebrate with a Showcase Challenge! A few months ago we launched a new Showcases on our blog. This is the place our fantastic developers show off the amazing programs they create with Delphi or C++Builder. We are close to 50 submissions and know there are hundreds more out there. This is where the Showcase Challenge comes in…

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  • quadcompileend 9843880
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  • ss bc270313840c4e8567b2c69721f0d9155c0e7013 1920x1080 4086811
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  • 1916

Showcase Challenge

Until February 14th 22nd, 2021, any Showcase application submission for a Delphi powered application gets a $100 USD gift card*.

There will be three Grand Prize winners Showcases entries that get the most Twitter likes. First place is $3,000 USD in cash* plus a full RAD Studio Architect license, and an InterBase Server license for a total value of over $10,000 USD. The runners-up will each get $500 USD in cash and a RAD Studio Professional License for a total value of over $3,000 USD.

The Showcase is a great way to spread the Delphi message and highlight the amazing things that Delphi developers get done every day! We know you are getting more done with Delphi than teams many times your size.

How Does it Work?

  1. Submit a Showcase entry
    • if you already have a project in the showcase you can just post a link on Twitter tagging @EmbarcaderoTech with #Delphi26th and jump to step 3
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  1. Provide the details for your Showcase entry, including a YouTube video, website link, Twitter handle, description, screenshots, and a shot of your app under development in the IDE!
  2. Like and retweet your submission on Twitter, follow the #Delphi26th hashtag and encourage your friends and followers to like and retweet it too!
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  1. Like and retweet any entries that inspire you!
  2. On approximately February 17th March 9th, 2021, Embarcadero will announce the Grand Prize winners based on the most Likes!

Be sure to include a Delphi logo on your website and link back to the Delphi product page!

All logo sizes (zip) | SVG sources (zip) | More Logos

*Requirements for showcase submissions:

  1. Showcase entry must include 6 images (1080p or better resolution) including screenshots, logos, the app in the IDE, etc., and ideally a video showing the application in action (optional).
    • All images and videos must be on a modern (released in the last 5 years) operating system.
    • If the application doesn’t have any user interface, then a screenshot of the application in the IDE and images showing what it does (output, report, flowchart, etc.) is also acceptable.
    • Screenshot tip: Take your screenshots in High DPI mode or with text zoom activated so they are high resolution, but the text is larger and easier to read. 
  2. The application must be written in a version of Delphi from 10 Seattle or newer.
  3. The application must be of one of the following types:
    1. An open-source application hosted on GitHub, BitBucket, Sourceforge, GitLab, Redmine, Assembla, etc. with public visibility and a total of at least 10 followers, watches, stars, reviews, weekly downloads, etc. The repository or associated website must have a Powered by Delphi badge and a link to the Delphi product page.
    2. Available for the general public (retail, shareware, freeware, or similar) with a public website or app store entry and reviews on at least two other software sites. A powered by Delphi badge and a link to the Delphi product page would be nice.
    3. An internal “line of business application” used by a company with permission to use the company name in the showcase. A representative from the company must be available to verify that the application is written in Delphi.
  4. The $100 USD showcase gift card is limited to 200 submissions. If more than 200 are submitted then the 200 winners will be selected by Embarcadero.
  5. The $100 Gift Card is for $100 USD or approximate equivalent value in local currencies. The gift card is available from your choice of Google Play, Apple, or Amazon gift card (each international Amazon has a limited shipping area, and not all offer Amazon gift cards).
  6. The contest is open to anyone with a valid license for Delphi or RAD Studio from the 10 Seattle release or newer (including Community and Academic Editions!)
  7. The final decision of winning eligibility is at Embarcadero’s sole discretion. Void where prohibited, restricted, or limited.
  8. All rules and requirements subject to change.
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About author

Director of Delphi Consulting for GDK Software USA. Many software related patents, including swipe and pattern unlock and search engines. First Silver and Gold Delphi badges on Stack Overflow Former Developer Advocate for Embarcadero Technologies. Long time fan of programming, especially with Delphi. Author, Podcaster/YouTuber, Improvisor, Public Speaker, Father, and Friend.


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