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Custom High Performance VCL Component Suite For Delphi/C++ Builder By ErrorSoft

EsVCLComponents – Free ErrorSoft Vcl Components – a free library of VCL components for Delphi and C++Builder. This new controls and components to improve the appearance applications and to better user experience. All components have best support transparency, not flicker, and has support Interesting possibility for double buffering for TGraphicControl heirs. Components support visual styles and have a modern style.

Free use for commercial and non-commercial projects, you need to specify in About, or anywhere else, that the program used components “EsVCLComponents” or link to this repository.


  • Excellent support for transparency!
  • No flicker!
  • Support for built-in VCL skins
  • Support Hight DPI (Berlin+)
  • Display convenient borders in DesignTime, activate properties IsDrawHelper
  • Windows XP support

TEsCustomControl – The base class contains the anti-flicker magic and support transparency.

 TEsNinePatchImage – TImage for 9-Patch images (raster image with the ability to zoom without loss of quality, almost all modern interfaces are built on them), as well as images – Overlay

 TEsImageLabel – The Label supports 9-Patch background image, and image – Overlay, the location and alignment of the text can be combined in different ways

 TEsLayout – The basic container. Interesting possibility for double buffering TGraphicControl heirs (TLabel, TGlyphButton, TImage, TBevel …)

 TEsPanel – Flicker free Panel. It’s very nice replacement for TPanel, also this support new frame styles

 TEsLinkLabel – Clickable link, opens a link on the Internet or local

 TEsVersionLabel – Display current version of application

 TEsPaintBox – Flicker free PaintBox. It’s a very nice replacement for TPaintBox

 TEsImageLayout – The Layout with support background 9-Patch images and image – Overlay

 TEsImageStaticText – The StaticText supports 9-Patch background image, and image – Overlay, the location and alignment of the text can be combined in different ways

 TEsActivityBar – Component simulates XAML control Windows 10, designed to indicate or display the progress of employment (something TProgressBar type). It has a lot of settings.

 TEsSwitch – Component simulates the eponymous XAML control Windows 10. It has a lot of settings.

 TEsImage – Much better than the TImage, many other properties.

 TEsImageControl – Much better than the TImage & absolutely no flicker!

 TEsRegexEdit – Edit with regular expression validation and indication.

 TEsRegexButtonedEdit – Buttoned edit with regular expression validation and indication.

 TEsRegexLabeledEdit – Labeled edit with regular expression validation and indication.

Go to the link below and download the package


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