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CodeRage XII – C++ Track

These are the 23 sessions in the C++ track for CodeRage XII. Register today and you can watch them on Embarcadero Academy.

  • InterBase 2017 ToGo Cross-Platform Development and Deployment with Al Mannarino
  • Scheduled: Tue 7th @ 6:00 AM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: InterBase 2017 ToGo Edition is a full-featured, multi-device embeddable database for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X that runs in a stand-alone environment but allows deployment of applications which directly utilize the InterBase engine DLLs. With no separate database server process running, the database engine executes in the application process space providing an extremely small footprint. Together with other key features such as high security, zero administration, and simple installation, InterBase 2017 ToGo is an incredible solution for VARs, OEMs and ISVs.
    This session shows using C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo how to create and deploy an InterBase ToGo 2017 application to Apple Mac OS X and Windows Desktops.
  • Product Address with Sarina DuPont
  • Scheduled: Tue 7th @ 9:00 AM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: Join Product Management to hear the latest and what is coming for Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio and InterBase.
  • VCL Layout Techniques with Ray Konopka
  • Scheduled: Tue 7th @ 12:00 PM
  • Level: Intermediate
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  • Description: Computers running Windows 10 utilize a wide variety of display sizes including High-DPI displays and 4K monitors. Developers rely on layout techniques to create a responsive user interface that can handle varying display sizes. This session focuses on the various VCL layout techniques available in RAD Studio. Traditional layout techniques such as the Align and Anchors properties and the TPanel control are briefly covered, but more emphasis is given to more recent additions like the Windows 10 inspired TRelativePanel and the brand new TStackPanel and TCardPanel.
  • Migrating your C++Builder Projects to Unicode with Al Mannarino
  • Scheduled: Tue 7th @ 12:00 PM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: This session focuses on helping you migrate your legacy C++ Builder Apps to Unicode.
    Topics covered in this session include:
    – Unicode in C, C++, Visual Component Library (VCL), WinAPI
    – New C and C++ data types for C-style strings 
    – VCL string classes
    – “_TCHAR maps to“ option
    – tchar.h 
    – Converting text to and from Unicode 
    – Load and Save Unicode characters to files
  • IDE Productivity Tips and Tricks with Ray Konopka
  • Scheduled: Tue 7th @ 1:00 PM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: It is no surprise that RAD Studio developers spend most of their time working in the IDE. What is surprising is that many RAD Studio developers are not aware of many of the productivity features available. In this session, I highlight many of my favorite IDE tips and tricks including the new QuickEdit Designer. Some tips focus on improving IDE navigation, some tips accelerate code editing, others simplify form design, but all of them will enhance your IDE experience.
  • Accessing AWS S3 platform from C++ Builder with Luca Zoller
  • Scheduled: Tue 7th @ 1:00 PM
  • Level: Introduction (For beginners)
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  • Description: How to develop a C++ Builder client to access the AWS S3 platform using the TAmazonConnectionInfo component.
    The Client is working like a file manager permitting to upload, download and delete files.
  • FMX Animations with Ray Konopka
  • Scheduled: Tue 7th @ 2:00 PM
  • Level: Intermediate
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  • Description: Most Delphi developers are familiar with the FMX Framework in the context of creating cross platform apps. However, the FMX Framework also contains a sophisticated animation and rendering engine. This session is all about leveraging animations in your FMX apps. Topics will include FMX animation core concepts, animating properties, composite animations, and tab transitions.
  • C++ Builder as a REST server, easy way to comunicate with Apps and SCB’s with Dion Mai
  • Scheduled: Tue 7th @ 2:00 PM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: Using C++ Builder to build a RESTful API server, used to comunicate with an app(Android and iOS) and a SBC(like Raspberry)
  • Matlab/Scilab scripting engine with Janez Makovsek
  • Scheduled: Tue 7th @ 5:00 PM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: Add cross-platform enabled Matlab/Scilab like scripting to your applications
  • Programming Mazes in C++ and Delphi with David Millington
  • Scheduled: Wed 8th @ 7:00 AM
  • Level: Intermediate
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  • Description: Developing random mazes is both interesting and fun. Join C++ Product Manager, David Millington, for this session on the art and science of maze generation. This talk is for both languages in RAD Studio, Delphi and C++!
  • Using PDF Forms as Data Entry User Interfaces in your Delphi Applications with Girish Patil
  • Scheduled: Wed 8th @ 10:00 AM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: PDF forms are in use across every industry and domain. While they are an effective means to acquire data from users just with the help of a PDF viewer, they can also become the user interface for data entry in an application. In this session, we will see how to use PDF forms as data entry user interfaces in your Delphi FireMonkey applications using Gnostice XtremeDocumentStudio. We’ll learn about PDF forms in general, then build an app, using a standard PDF form, to help perform a pre-flight check for drone flight. We’ll also look at programmatic interactions with the fields, and batch import of PDF forms data to a database.
  • CData FireDAC Enterprise Connectors with Geoffrey Osborne
  • Scheduled: Wed 8th @ 11:00 AM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: Working with the JSON and Elasticsearch components to learn more about the core component functionalities of the CData FireDAC Enterprise connectors. Learn about SQL-92 support and different ways to manipulate various data sets.
  • Create SCADA Modbus Industrial Control applications, and Devices with ControlLab, and Visuino Pro with Boian Mitov
  • Scheduled: Wed 8th @ 2:00 PM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: Learn how easy it is to create SCADA applications in Delphi using the Modbus components from ControlLab, and how easy it is to create your own Modbus Arduino Devices using Visuino Pro.
    I will show you how you can create Modbus Server(Slave) Devices, both in Delphi, and in Visuino Pro, how to create Modbus Client(Master), in Delphi, and in Visuino Pro, and finally how you can create Modbus Gateways between TCP/IP, Serial (RS232) and RS485, RTU and Ascii
  • Create a Business Intelligence (BI) Web Site RAD Style with FireDAC, IntraWeb and UniGUI with Miguel Angel Moreno
  • Scheduled: Wed 8th @ 5:00 PM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: Simplify the creation and distribution of reports by developing a central “Business Intelligence” web site “RAD style” with Delphi, where users can get all the reports they want on demand. You will take advantage of the speed and convenience provided by FireDAC scripting combined with IntraWeb and UniGUI.
  • Delphi Application Migration  with Al Mannarino
  • Scheduled: Thu 9th @ 6:00 AM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: This session covers items to consider when migrating from older editions of Delphi to the current Delphi versions including tools and resources to help you along the way.
    This session focuses on these three areas for migrating legacy Delphi to the current Delphi version:
    – Migrating 3rd Party Components / Libraries 
    – Migrating Unicode 
    – Migrations of Database and Middleware 
  • IntraWeb 17 – The Webolution Begins with Chad Hower
  • Scheduled: Thu 9th @ 7:00 AM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: IntraWeb 17 is not just a next version but a revolution in how web apps are developed. Learn about IWML and much more.
  • CrossTalk – Connecting Delphi and C++ to .NET with Chad Hower
  • Scheduled: Thu 9th @ 8:00 AM
  • Level: Introduction (For beginners)
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  • Description: Learn how truly easy it is to use .NET in your Delphi and C++ apps
  • Unit Testing and User Interface with Ruhollah Akbarzadeh
  • Scheduled: Thu 9th @ 9:00 AM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
  • [Watch during CodeRage] [Add to Gcal] [Add to Outlook / iCal]
  • Description: How to use RAD Studio as a rapid development environment and yet making a quality app with unit testing.
  • The Delphi Parser – Automatic Migration Tool with Oren Aviram
  • Scheduled: Thu 9th @ 11:00 AM
  • Level: Advanced (For experts who want to dive deep)
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  • Description: The Delphi Parser Automatic Migration Tools can easily analyze your code on any given Delphi version and quickly upgrade your Legacy Borland Delphi to compile and run using the Newest RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo – and make your legacy Delphi code – A Legend, once again.
  • Multi-thread CFD example in C++ Builder with Yilmaz Yoru
  • Scheduled: Thu 9th @ 1:00 PM
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: C++ Builder is very easy to use and it is very powerful on numerical analysis of engineering problems. In this study, a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) example on a rectangular channel flow is developed and simulated in C++ Builder (VCL). CFD model , Navier-Stokes Equations, SOR (Successive Over Relaxation) method are explained with theory and applied application. As a result , velocity and pressure values of each nodes in channel flow are calculated in matrix form and displayed visually in intervals, multi-thread results will be compared.
  • Some code to start building C++ applications with Francisco Muro A.
  • Scheduled: On-demand
  • Level: Introduction (For beginners)
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  • Description: How to start writting some code using C++Builder from Embarcadero. How to handle connections using JSON + PHP + CPP… the other way.
  • CAD with RAD, master your OOP skills for multi-plat development with Vsevolod Leonov (Seva)
  • Scheduled: On-demand
  • Level: All (General information for everyone)
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  • Description: The session presents the project at Moscow Polytechnic Institute, when a group of students use C++Builder as a RAD tool to make a CAD system. The project is discussed both from methodical, and technical viewpoints. Main focus is made on how C++ skills can be applied to solve the practical tasks. The session is great for students and training course authors, Delphi/C++Builder developers to master OOP skills, and for hobbyist, as 3D programming is always big fun.

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About author

Director of Delphi Consulting for GDK Software USA. Many software related patents, including swipe and pattern unlock and search engines. First Silver and Gold Delphi badges on Stack Overflow Former Developer Advocate for Embarcadero Technologies. Long time fan of programming, especially with Delphi. Author, Podcaster/YouTuber, Improvisor, Public Speaker, Father, and Friend.

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