
Webinar: Cool Apps and Case Studies

Author: Andreas@Mediatech Delphi and C++Builder are regularly used to build amazing software. Many of these are highlighted in the Cool Apps Contestor in our case studies. This webinar takes a look at some cool apps and case studies that highlight unique software and useful lesson learned using Embarcadero development tools.Hosted byEmbarcadero’s lead developer Evangelist…
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Delphi Boot Camp with 100% off Delphi

Author: Stephen Aberle By popular demand, the Delphi Boot Camp is coming September 5th through the 9th. Join us for 5 days of great content so you can learn the fundamentals of Object Pascal, Delphi and the cross platform ready FireMonkey framework. The webinar repeats…

Using CMake with the free Embarcadero C++ compiler

Do you want to use CMake with the newly released free compiler? This post quickly runs you through installing both the compiler and CMake, and shows an example build using two C++ files and the corresponding CMakeLists.txt. CMake is a popular third-party build tool. Ensuring the compiler is installed To start, make sure you have the compiler in your system path. (When you download andextract…
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Variable Item Height with TListView in 10.1 Berlin

During a recent webinar, we received a question on how to create a list in a FireMonkey multi-device application using RAD Studio Berlin where the item height automatically adjusts itself depending on the content. We have a great new demo that shows you how to calculate text…

Closing the Class Helpers Private Access Loophole

As many of you know, Embarcadero made a change to the Delphi compiler in 10.1 Berlin to close an existing bug that allowed access to private data of any class via a class helper. Developers who were leveraging this hack would need a migration strategy. Private is&#8230…

RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Bonus Pack - Premium Style Packs for VCL and FireMonkey

Author: Mike F55022 If you purchase Delphi, C++Builder or RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin, you get access to the premium style packs for both VCL and FireMonkey that are part of our bonus pack. New in the 10.1 Berlin style packs is the addition of a dark copper style for both VCL and FireMonkey. The FireMonkey Premium Style Pack for 10.1 Berlin includes nine custom FireMonkey styles. Choose from Jet…
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