RAD Server が提供する機能のうち、中間サーバの機能は IIS または Apache で動作します。このインストールですが、運用環境向けのインストール手順を見ると docwiki には IIS のインストール手順が以下のように掲載されています。
[コントロール パネル|プログラムと機能|Windows…
IoT Boot Camp 2017
January 14, 2017
Author: Gabe
In this bootcamp you will learn how to build a RESTful Network of IoT Devices with Arduino and RAD Server. Arduino open source hardware provides a flexible platform to build connected Internet of Things hardware projects. RAD Server provides a RESTful…
Debugger Hotfix for macOS Sierra and the iOS Simulator
January 11, 2017
Author: Sanggaard
We have been working on several hotfixes to address recent operating system changes on iOS (10) and macOS (Sierra) that affect debugging with RAD Studio. In December we released a hotfix for debugging on 32-bit iOS 10, and we are pleased to release a second…
Making Win10 Calendar controls database-aware
January 9, 2017
Author: Dmitry Kovalenko
Programming is fun. Sometimes projects and apps are more serious, sometimes less. On my recent Delphi 10.1 Update 2 presentation two times I have been asked about data-aware versions of new VCL Win10 calendar controls. Here is the code.
unit uDBCalendarView;
System.Classes, Vcl.WinXCalendars, Data.DB, VCL.DBCtrls;
TDBCalendarView =…
Configure Delphi and RedHat or Ubuntu for Linux development.
December 29, 2016
Author: Fred F
Image courtesy of Jim McKeeth.
One of the more exciting features of the pending 10.2 release of Delphi and RAD-Studio, is support for targeting Linux. In this post, I’m going to step you through setting up your development environment to deploy…
Setting Up Ubuntu Server for the Delphi on Linux
December 20, 2016
Author: daniel L62827
After part 1 you should be up Update Subscription so you can join the Godzilla beta. Here are the steps for installing Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS Server and setting it up for use.
We are using Ubuntu Server because we don’t need the extra parts for the…
With Delphi the Whole World is Under Control
December 16, 2016
Hamburg, Germany has the largest model railway in the world – The Miniatur Wunderland.
Miniature Wunderland is Hamburg’s #1 tourist attraction and attracts 1.3 million visitors from all over the world. It’s particularly distinguished by its high level of detail; 260,000+ figurines, driving trains, cars, ships, and more.
How Everything Began
The project of twin brothers Gerrit…
Appx Development for Windows 10 Store
December 14, 2016
Author: CARLOS M6766
One of the most interesting new features introduced in RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Update 2 Anniversary Edition is the support for building Windows 10 APPX application packages.
YouTube reply of EMEA Embarcadero developer webinar “Appx Development for…
Learn to Program in Delphi - Putting the Calculator Together
December 13, 2016
Author: Vanners
Welcome to the last episode in the “Learn to Program with Starter” series. In the first four episodes we have covered “Introduction and Installation” of the free Delphi Starter edition, then we moved to IDE basics in “Building in…