
Why I Keep Choosing Delphi

Early on I learned Turbo Pascal, which was a huge step up from the Basic and Batch Fileprogramming I cut mywhitening on. When Delphi came along I thought it was brilliant and fell in love immediately. I had no interest in learning other programming languages or tools. Delphi did it all, and that was great. I found myself plenty of work and enough to keep my interest. I was curious…
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New in RAD Studio 10.2.1: C++ Improvements

In Tokyo Release 1 (otherwise known as 10.2.1) we’ve made a number of improvements toour C++ support: a small but useful change in the IDE, and some significant improvements in the toolchain itself. Toolchain: compiler, linker, etc Debugging and viewing…

Creators Update BPL Loading Issue and Tokyo Release 1

As mentioned in the release notes of Tokyo 10.2.1, the latest release of RAD Studio addresses the issues caused by Windows 10 Creators Update and related with DLL and BPL loading. The issue is caused by a change (a bug!)in the DLL loading algorithm of the operating…

Thought Controlled Drone in Tokyo

While I was in Tokyo for the Tokyo launch I worked with the Embarcadero office there to make a new BCI demo video. This is using the Emotiv EPOC wireless EEG headset to read cognitive thought patterns, which are transmitted wirelessly to the laptop and the Delphi powered application. It responds by sending the commands to the Parrot AR.Drone based on the thought patterns. I developed components…
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CAD with C++Builder, episode#1

Author: Seva Leonov Learning tasks and motivation When teaching programming skills, especially with C++, one of the main issue is the selection of right examples and tasks. C++ is not that easy both in syntax, and concepts, and sostudents are demotivated just by the number of pages in the book. The true motive when studying a complicated discipline is the seeing the progress not in just…
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Delphi Tokyo Release 1 or 10.2.1 is Now Available

You can read more about the release and its rationale in the PM article published in the community: For the actual release information docWiki page, including how to obtain the…

"Serverless Architectures on AWS" summer reading

Author: Pawe Gowacki Summer is a great time to catch up with books that you have on your shelf, but do not have time to read. Obviously I would suggest starting from my recently released “Expert Delphi”, but there are plenty of other interesting books to look at.

More 2017 FireDAC Webinars

To follow up with our recent FireDAC in Depth with Cary Jensen we have a series of FireDAC webinars to help you learn more about everyone’s favorite database access framework. Each webinar is offered at 8 AM, 1 PM and 8 PM US Central Time to provide access in all timezones. 25-Jul (Tue) FireDAC Introduction An introduction to the multi-platform, multi-database, full…
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